Why Coconut Charcoal Briquettes are the Perfect Hookah Coals



Updated on: 1月 23, 2025
Reading Time: 16 minutes
Why Coconut Charcoal Briquettes are the Perfect Hookah Coals
Why Coconut Charcoal Briquettes are the Perfect Hookah Coals

The hookah smoking quality experience depends heavily on the type of charcoal you use. The heart of shisha is charcoal. Without the right and good charcoal, you cannot get good shisha.

While there are many options on the market, natural coconut charcoal briquettes stand out as a top choice for hookah coals.

In this article, Greg Ryabtsev, the expert on coconut charcoal briquettes will explore the benefits of using coconut charcoal briquettes as hookah coals, and explain why they’re a superior option compared to other types of charcoal.

From the flavor of your smoke to the overall sustainability of your hookah sessions, we’ll cover it all.

Read on to discover why natural coconut charcoal briquettes are the best choice for your next shisha smoking session.

What are charcoal briquettes?

What are charcoal briquettes
What are charcoal briquettes?

Briquettes in general are compressed blocks of biomass that can be used as a fuel source. They are typically made from materials like sawdust, charcoal, and other organic waste. The process of making briquettes involves compressing these materials together, which creates a dense, solid block that can be burned for heat and energy.

What are coconut charcoal briquettes?

What are coconut charcoal briquettes?
What are coconut charcoal briquettes?

Coconut charcoal briquettes are a type of charcoal made from the shells of coconuts. These briquettes are 100% natural and do not contain any harmful chemicals or additives.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are becoming increasingly popular as a replacement for traditional charcoal in various applications, including hookah smoking, grilling, and cooking.

They are known for their long burning time, low ash production, and neutral flavor, making them an ideal option for hookah coals.

Why Coconut Charcoal Briquettes Are the Best Option for Hookah



ココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットは、従来の木炭よりも高温で長時間燃焼することで知られている。 これはココナッツの殻から作られるためで、従来の炭に使われる薪よりも密度が高く、よりコンパクトです。

基本的に、これがシーシャ用のココナッツシェル炭の人気の主な理由です。 通常の燃焼開始温度は650℃です。

ココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットは、燃焼時に従来の木炭よりも高い温度を発生するため、フッカーでの使用に最適です。 タバコがより均一に加熱され、より豊かな風味を生み出すため、より高い火力はより安定した楽しい喫煙体験を可能にします。

ココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットは、従来の木炭よりも高温で燃焼するだけでなく、燃焼時間も長い。 平均25mmの立方体で2時間以上もつ。


また、燃焼時間が長いということは、新しい炭を頻繁に追加する必要がないため、フッカー・ボウルの補充に費やす時間が短くなります。 これにより、喫煙体験がより楽しくなり、中断することが少なくなります。




ココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットをフッカーに使用する主な利点の一つは、従来のチャコールよりも灰や煙の発生が少ないことです。 これはユーザーにとって、よりクリーンな喫煙体験やより美味しいタバコなど、いくつかの利点があります。

当社の練炭の灰分は一般的に2%以下です。 当社のプラチナ・タイプの炭は灰分1.6~1.9%です。 これは、世界中の市場で入手可能なものの中で最高で最小の量です。



対照的に、ココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットはよりきれいに燃焼し、灰や煙の発生が少ない。 弊社の練炭は灰が2%以下です。 つまり、あなたのフッカボウルはより長く清潔に保たれ、タバコの風味を余すことなく楽しむことができるのです。

煙が少ないということは、喫煙中の刺激や不快感が少ないということでもあります。 より深く、よりスムーズなドローが可能になり、全体的な体験が向上し、より楽しくなります。

例として、伝統的な木炭を使用しているとしましょう。 吸っているうちに、ボウルがすぐに灰でいっぱいになり、煙が濃くて重く、深く吸うのが難しいことに気づくでしょう。 また、煙のキツさが喉や肺を刺激し、全体的な楽しみが減ってしまいます。

ここで、練炭をココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットに変えたとしよう。 吸っているうちに、ボウルがより長くきれいに保たれ、煙がより軽くて心地よいことに気づくでしょう。 より深くスムーズなドローが可能になり、タバコのフレーバーがより際立って楽しめる。




フッカーにココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットを使用する主な利点の一つは、自然で再生可能な材料から作られており、環境に優しい選択であるということです。 これは、環境への影響を懸念し、より持続可能な選択をしたい人にとって重要な考慮事項です。

ココナッツ・チャコール・ブリケットは、ココナッツ産業の副産物であるココナッツの殻から作られる。 この殻は廃棄物として捨てられたり燃やされたりする代わりに再利用され、有用な製品に生まれ変わる。

対照的に、伝統的な木炭は木材や石炭といった再生不可能な材料から作られることが多く、その採掘や加工には多大な資源を必要とする。 そのため、環境に悪影響を及ぼすだけでなく、森林伐採やその他の生態系問題の一因にもなりかねない。

ココナッツの練炭を選ぶことは、より持続可能な製品を使うという意識的な選択です。 また、無駄になるかもしれない副産物の需要を生み出すことで、ココナッツ産業を支援することにもなります。

一例を挙げると、あなたが環境に関心のあるフッカー愛好家だとします。 あなたは日常生活でより持続可能な選択をしようとしており、より環境に優しいオプションのフッカーを見つけることに興味を持っています。

練炭をココナッツ炭に変えることで、環境への影響を減らしながらフッカーを楽しむことができます。 あなたが使用している製品は再生可能な材料から作られており、森林伐採やその他の環境問題に貢献していないことがわかります。 これにより、安心して、罪悪感や心配なく喫煙体験を楽しむことができます。



Coconut charcoal briquettes are free from chemicals and additives that can affect the taste and quality of your hookah
Coconut charcoal briquettes are free from chemicals and additives that can affect the taste and quality of your hookah

Coconut charcoal briquettes are highly regarded by hookah enthusiasts because they are free from chemicals and additives that can negatively impact the taste and quality of the smoking experience. This is an important factor to consider when choosing charcoal for your hookah, as the wrong type of charcoal can result in a less enjoyable smoking experience.

Many traditional charcoals contain chemicals and additives that are used to speed up the burning process or enhance the appearance of the charcoal. These chemicals can release harmful toxins when burned, leading to an unpleasant or even dangerous smoking experience. Additionally, these additives can interfere with the flavor of the tobacco, making it less enjoyable to smoke.

In contrast, coconut charcoal briquettes are made from natural materials and are free from chemicals and additives. This means that they burn cleanly and produce a pure, natural heat that enhances the flavor of the tobacco without detracting from it.

To give an example, imagine that you are using traditional charcoal for your hookah. As you smoke, you notice that the flavor of the tobacco is somewhat muted or distorted, and there’s a harshness to the smoke that makes it difficult to enjoy. You also have concerns about the safety of the charcoal, as you’re not sure what chemicals or additives are present in the product.

Now imagine that you switch to coconut charcoal briquettes. As you smoke, you notice that the flavor of the tobacco is more pronounced and enjoyable, with no harshness or distortion. You also have peace of mind knowing that the charcoal is made from natural materials and is free from harmful chemicals and additives.

Overall, the purity and naturalness of coconut charcoal briquettes make them an excellent choice for hookah enthusiasts who want a safe, enjoyable, and high-quality smoking experience.

5. Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to light and maintain a consistent heat.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to light and maintain a consistent heat
Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to light and maintain a consistent heat

Another advantage of using coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah is that they are easy to light and maintain a consistent heat throughout the smoking session. This is an important factor to consider, as traditional charcoal can be difficult to light and can produce inconsistent heat, leading to a less enjoyable smoking experience.

The average light-up time is 12 minutes on 700 Watt stove. The time may vary from 8 to 15 minutes depending on how you are heating up the hookah coals.

Coconut charcoal briquettes have a high density, which makes them easy to light with a lighter or match. They also light quickly (7-12 minutes), reducing the amount of time you need to wait before you can start smoking.

Once lit, they maintain a steady and consistent heat (from 650 celsius to 550 celsius during 2 hours of smoking session), which ensures that the tobacco is evenly heated and produces a smooth, flavorful smoke.

In contrast, traditional wood charcoal can be more difficult to light, often requiring the use of lighter fluid or other accelerants to get started. Once lit, it can also produce uneven heat, leading to hot spots or areas where the tobacco burns too quickly. This can result in a harsh, bitter taste and an overall less enjoyable smoking experience.

To give an example, imagine that you’re hosting a hookah party with your friends. You’ve chosen to use coconut charcoal briquettes for the occasion, as you know they’re easy to light and will provide consistent heat throughout the evening.

As you light the coconut charcoal briquettes, you notice that they ignite quickly and produce a steady flame. You don’t need to use any additional accelerants or wait a long time for the charcoal to be ready. Throughout the evening, you and your friends enjoy a smooth, flavorful smoke, without any hot spots or harsh tastes.

Overall, the ease of use and consistent heat provided by coconut charcoal briquettes make them an excellent choice for hookah enthusiasts who want a hassle-free, enjoyable smoking experience.

6. Coconut charcoal briquettes provide a natural, mild flavor that won’t overpower the taste of your tobacco.

Coconut charcoal briquettes provide a natural, mild flavor that won't overpower the taste of your tobacco
Coconut charcoal briquettes provide a natural, mild flavor that won’t overpower the taste of your tobacco

Coconut charcoal briquettes are known for providing a natural, mild flavor or no flavor that complements the taste of the tobacco in your hookah without overpowering it. This is a significant advantage over traditional charcoal, which can often produce a strong, smoky flavor that can be overpowering and unpleasant.

The natural materials used to make coconut charcoal briquettes contribute to their mild flavor profile. Because they are made from pure coconut shells, the charcoal does not contain any artificial additives or chemicals that could alter the flavor of the tobacco. This means that you can enjoy the true taste of your tobacco without any artificial aftertaste.

In addition, the mild flavor of coconut charcoal briquettes allows the tobacco to be the star of the show. The charcoal provides a subtle heat that enhances the flavor of the tobacco, rather than competing with it. This allows you to fully appreciate the nuanced flavors and aromas of the tobacco, leading to a more enjoyable and satisfying smoking experience.

To give an example, imagine that you are smoking hookah with traditional charcoal that has a strong, smoky flavor or even wood flavor. As you smoke, you notice that the taste of the tobacco is overpowered by the strong flavor of charcoal. You also detect an unpleasant aftertaste that lingers in your mouth.

Now, imagine that you switch to coconut charcoal briquettes. As you smoke, you notice that the flavor of the tobacco is more pronounced and enjoyable, with no harshness or smokiness. The mild flavor of the charcoal allows the tobacco’s natural flavors to shine through, resulting in a more satisfying and pleasurable smoking experience.

Overall, the natural, mild flavor of coconut charcoal briquettes is an excellent choice for hookah enthusiasts who want a more authentic and enjoyable smoking experience without any artificial flavors or additives.

7. Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to find and easy to buy

Coconut charcoal briquettes easy to find and easy to buy
Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to find and easy to buy

Another great advantage of coconut charcoal briquettes is that they are affordable and readily available, making them an excellent choice for hookah enthusiasts who want a high-quality product without breaking the bank.

Check out some of the most popular hookah coals brands:

  • Titanium cubes
  • Coconara
  • Le Orange Lotus Head
  • Superior Coco
  • Coco Java
  • CocoUs
  • CocoUrth
  • Coco Army
  • 320
  • M. Rosenfeld
  • CocoBuzz
  • ECoal
  • Tom Coco

Compared to other types of charcoal, coconut charcoal briquettes are often more affordable and accessible. This is because coconut shells are a renewable resource and are widely available in many parts of the world. As a result, manufacturers can produce coconut charcoal briquettes at a lower cost compared to other types of charcoal.

In addition, coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to find in many stores and online retailers that sell hookah products. This means that you can easily purchase them without having to go out of your way or search extensively for them.

To give an example, imagine that you’ve been using a more expensive brand of charcoal for your hookah sessions. You enjoy the quality of the product, but you find that it’s becoming too expensive to use regularly. However, when you switch to coconut charcoal briquettes, you find that the quality is just as good, if not better, than the more expensive brand, and at a much more affordable price point.

Overall, the affordability and availability of coconut charcoal briquettes make them an excellent choice for hookah enthusiasts who want a high-quality product that won’t break the bank. With their natural, mild flavor, low ash content, and easy-to-use characteristics, coconut charcoal briquettes are a great option for anyone looking to enhance their hookah smoking experience.

8. Coconut charcoal briquettes don’t produce any unpleasant smells or fumes, making them ideal for indoor use.

Coconut charcoal briquettes don't produce any unpleasant smells or fumes, making them ideal for indoor use
Coconut charcoal briquettes don’t produce any unpleasant smells or fumes, making them ideal for indoor use

Coconut charcoal briquettes have several benefits that make them ideal for indoor use. One of the most significant advantages is that they do not produce any unpleasant smells or fumes, which can be harmful to your health and detract from the overall enjoyment of your hookah experience.

Unlike traditional charcoal, which can produce strong odors and fumes that can be difficult to tolerate, coconut charcoal briquettes are made from natural materials and burn cleanly. This means that you can enjoy your hookah without worrying about the lingering smell of smoke in your home or the potential health hazards associated with inhaling harmful fumes.

Furthermore, the absence of smoke and fumes means that your indoor air quality remains unaffected, making coconut charcoal briquettes a great choice for people who want to maintain a healthy and safe living environment. This is especially important for those with respiratory issues or allergies, as smoke and fumes can exacerbate symptoms and cause discomfort.

Overall, the clean burn and lack of unpleasant smells or fumes make coconut charcoal briquettes an ideal choice for indoor hookah sessions. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet night in or hosting a gathering, you can breathe easy knowing that your hookah experience is safe, enjoyable, and free from harmful toxins.

9. Coconut charcoal briquettes are long-lasting, so you won’t need to replace them as frequently.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are long-lasting, so you won't need to replace them as frequently
Coconut charcoal briquettes are long-lasting, so you won’t need to replace them as frequently

One of the most significant advantages of using coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah sessions is that they are long-lasting, which means you won’t need to replace them as frequently as other types of charcoal. In general, Cube 25 mm can last up to 2+ hours on standby position and 1.5+ hours while smoking shisha. This is due to their high density and low ash content, which allows them to burn slowly and evenly over an extended period of time.

Because coconut charcoal briquettes burn longer than traditional charcoal, you can enjoy longer hookah sessions without needing to worry about constantly replacing the coals. This can be especially beneficial if you’re hosting a group of people and want to avoid the hassle of changing the coals frequently.

To exemplify, let’s say you’re having a hookah session with friends and using coconut charcoal briquettes. With traditional charcoal, you may need to change the coals after an hour or so of use, but with coconut charcoal briquettes, you can enjoy up to two hours of uninterrupted hookah sessions without needing to replace the coals.

The long-lasting burn of coconut charcoal briquettes also makes them a cost-effective option. Since you won’t need to replace the coals as frequently, you can save money in the long run by using fewer coals overall. This can be especially beneficial if you use your hookah frequently or if you’re on a tight budget.

Overall, the long-lasting burn of coconut charcoal briquettes is one of their most significant advantages for hookah enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to save money, avoid the hassle of changing coals frequently, or simply enjoy longer hookah sessions, coconut charcoal briquettes offer a reliable and efficient solution.

10. Coconut charcoal is versatile and can be used for other purposes besides hookah, such as cooking or heating.

Coconut charcoal is versatile and can be used for other purposes besides hookah, such as cooking or heating
Coconut charcoal is versatile and can be used for other purposes besides hookah, such as cooking or heating

Another advantage of coconut charcoal briquettes is their versatility. While they are most commonly used for hookah sessions, they can also be used for a variety of other purposes, such as cooking or heating.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are a popular choice for outdoor cooking, such as barbecuing or grilling. They burn hotter and longer than traditional charcoal, which makes them ideal for cooking food at high temperatures. Additionally, since they are made from natural materials and do not contain any chemicals or additives, they do not produce any harmful fumes or odors that could affect the taste of your food.

To exemplify, let’s say you’re planning a camping trip and want to cook over an open fire. Coconut charcoal briquettes can be a great option since they are easy to light and maintain a consistent heat. You can use them to cook a variety of foods, such as burgers, hot dogs, or vegetables, and enjoy a delicious and natural taste.

In addition to cooking, coconut charcoal briquettes can also be used for heating purposes. For example, you can use them in a charcoal stove or heater to warm up your indoor or outdoor space. Since they are made from natural materials, they do not produce any harmful fumes or pollutants, making them a safer and more eco-friendly choice than other types of heating fuel.

Overall, the versatility of coconut charcoal briquettes makes them a great option for not only hookah sessions but also for a variety of other purposes. Whether you’re looking to cook outdoors, heat your home, or simply enjoy a natural and long-lasting burn, coconut charcoal briquettes offer a reliable and eco-friendly solution.

11. Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to store and have a long shelf life.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to store and have a long shelf life
Coconut charcoal briquettes are easy to store and have a long shelf life

Another advantage of coconut charcoal briquettes is their ease of storage and long shelf life. Unlike traditional charcoal, which can easily crumble and lose its effectiveness over time, coconut charcoal briquettes are much more durable and can last for a long time if stored properly. Basically, you can store coconut charcoal briquettes for up to 10 years.

To store coconut charcoal briquettes, it’s best to keep them in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. This will prevent them from absorbing any moisture or odors that could affect their quality or performance. You can keep them in their original packaging or transfer them to a sealed container to keep them fresh for longer.

Additionally, coconut charcoal briquettes have a much longer shelf life than other types of charcoal. They can last for several years if stored properly, which makes them a great option for those who want to stock up and save money in the long run. This also means that you won’t have to worry about your charcoal going bad or losing its effectiveness if you don’t use it for a while.

12. Coconut charcoal briquettes are consistent in size and shape, ensuring a uniform heat distribution.

Coconut charcoal briquettes are consistent in size and shape, ensuring a uniform heat distribution
Coconut charcoal briquettes are consistent in size and shape, ensuring a uniform heat distribution

One of the benefits of using coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah is their consistent size and shape, which ensures a uniform heat distribution. Unlike traditional charcoal, which can vary in size and shape, coconut charcoal briquettes are made using molds that create uniform pieces. This means that each briquette will burn evenly and provide a consistent heat source throughout your hookah session.

More there are dozens of shapes of coconut charcoal: cube 20 mm, cube 22 mm, cube 23.5 mm, and cube 25 mm – the most popular size. Even bigger sizes cubes 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 mm.
Finger/stix size, Hexagonal, Octagonal, Dome, and others sizes.

The uniform size and shape of coconut charcoal briquettes are particularly important for those who want to achieve the perfect smoking experience. Inconsistent heat distribution can result in hot spots, which can burn your tobacco and affect the overall taste of your hookah. With coconut charcoal briquettes, you can be sure that each piece will burn evenly, providing a consistent heat source that will help you achieve a smooth and flavorful smoking experience.

Comparison with other types of charcoal used for hookah coals (e.g., quick-light, compressed sawdust)

When it comes to the comparison of charcoal for your hookah, there are a few options available on the market. Two common alternatives to coconut charcoal briquettes are quick-light charcoal (magic charcoal) and compressed sawdust charcoal.

Quick-light charcoal
Quick-light charcoal
Quick-light charcoal

Quick-light charcoal, also known as instant-light or self-igniting charcoal, or magic charcoal, is made by mixing charcoal dust with a chemical accelerant that allows it to light quickly and easily. One of the most famous brands is Three Kings.

While this may seem like a convenient option, it can actually have some negative effects on the smoking experience. Quick-light charcoal often produces a strong chemical taste and odor, which can overpower the flavor of the shisha or hookah tobacco. \

It also produces more ash and smoke than coconut charcoal briquettes, resulting in a less pleasant smoking experience overall.

The good thing about quick light is light up very quickly. Usually takes less than one minute to light it up.

Compressed sawdust charcoal
Compressed sawdust charcoal
Compressed sawdust charcoal

Compressed sawdust charcoal is another alternative that is often used for hookah coals. This type of charcoal is made by compressing sawdust and other wood particles into briquettes. While it does produce less ash and smoke than quick-light charcoal, it still doesn’t compare to the superior performance of coconut charcoal briquettes.

Compressed sawdust charcoal can often have a strong woody flavor that can overpower the taste of the shisha or hookah tobacco. It can also be difficult to light and may require additional effort to maintain a consistent temperature.

Basically, it is up to 50% cheaper than quick light or coconut charcoal. But if you are not short on a couple of bucks, it is not the best choice for your hookah.

Overall, when comparing these alternatives to coconut charcoal briquettes, it’s clear that the latter provides a superior smoking experience. With less ash and smoke production, as well as a more subtle flavor that doesn’t overpower the shisha or hookah tobacco, coconut charcoal briquettes are the ideal choice for those who want to enjoy a clean and enjoyable smoking experience.

How Coconut Charcoal Briquettes Can Benefit You

How Coconut Charcoal Briquettes Can Benefit You
How Coconut Charcoal Briquettes Can Benefit You
  1. Save Money

As mentioned earlier, briquettes have a high heat output, which means you can use fewer of them to achieve the same level of heat. This can help you save money on your heating and cooking costs in the long run.

  1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Using briquettes as a fuel source can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Briquettes produce less carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants compared to other fuel sources like coal.

  1. Convenient

Briquettes are a convenient fuel source that is easy to store and transport. They are also versatile, which means they can be used for a wide range of applications.

  1. Support Sustainable Practices

Using briquettes as a fuel source supports sustainable practices. Briquettes are made from organic waste materials, which means they are a renewable resource. By using briquettes, you are helping to reduce waste and support sustainable practices.

The Sustainability of Coconut Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah

The Sustainability of Coconut Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah
The Sustainability of Coconut Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah

When it comes to smoking hookah, it’s not just about the quality of the shisha itself, but also the type of charcoal used to heat it. Coconut charcoal briquettes are a sustainable option that is gaining popularity among hookah enthusiasts for several reasons.

One of the key benefits of coconut charcoal briquettes is their eco-friendliness. Unlike other types of charcoal, which may be made from wood or compressed sawdust, coconut charcoal is produced from waste coconut shells that would otherwise be discarded. By using this waste material, coconut charcoal production helps to reduce the amount of waste in landfills and oceans, making it a more sustainable option.

Additionally, the production process for coconut charcoal is generally considered to be more environmentally friendly than other types of charcoal production. This is because it typically involves using sustainable practices, such as using coconut shells from trees that have already been harvested for other purposes. The production process also doesn’t require the use of harmful chemicals or additives.

Furthermore, coconut charcoal briquettes are biodegradable and leave behind less ash than other types of charcoal. This means that they have a minimal environmental impact and are easier to clean up after use. In contrast, quick-light charcoal, which is often used for its convenience, contains chemicals that produce smoke and ash, resulting in a less enjoyable smoking experience.

In today’s world, where environmental concerns are becoming increasingly pressing, it’s important to consider the sustainability of our choices, even when it comes to smoking hookah. By choosing coconut charcoal briquettes, hookah enthusiasts can enjoy a high-quality smoking experience while also making a positive impact on the environment.

How to Use Coconut Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah

How to Use Coconut Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah
How to Use Coconut Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah

Using coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah can be a bit different from using other types of charcoal. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to properly light and use coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah:

  1. Start by placing the coconut charcoal briquettes on a hookah coal burner. Make sure the burner is stable and heat-resistant. Using a stove or other heat source can be dangerous and may damage the coals.
  2. Allow the coals to heat up for about 5-10 minutes until they are glowing red hot. This process may take longer than other types of charcoal, but the wait is worth it for a cleaner and better-tasting smoking experience.
  3. Once the coals are fully lit, carefully transfer them to your hookah bowl using tongs or a hookah coal carrier. Be sure to place the coals on the outer edges of the bowl rather than the center to avoid overheating the shisha.
  4. The ideal number and size of coconut charcoal briquettes to use will depend on the size and design of your hookah. As a general rule, 2-3 coals are sufficient for a standard hookah setup, while larger or more complex hookahs may require more.
  5. Keep an eye on the coals while smoking and rotate them regularly to ensure even heat distribution. This will prevent hot spots and ensure that your shisha is evenly heated and producing smooth, flavorful smoke.

Using coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah is not only a sustainable and eco-friendly choice, but it also produces a cleaner and more enjoyable smoking experience. By following these tips and tricks for lighting and using your coals, you can get the most out of your natural hookah setup.


In conclusion, using coconut charcoal briquettes for hookah offers a range of advantages. Not only are they a sustainable and eco-friendly option, but they also provide a cleaner and more enjoyable smoking experience. Unlike other types of charcoal, coconut charcoal briquettes produce less ash and smoke, making them a preferred choice among hookah enthusiasts.

We encourage all hookah lovers to give coconut charcoal briquettes a try for their next smoking session. By using these high-quality, natural briquettes, you can enjoy a smoother and more flavorful smoking experience while also doing your part to support sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

So, what are you waiting for? Make the switch to coconut charcoal briquettes today and experience the difference for yourself!

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Greg Ryabtsev is the expert in coconut charcoal with over 10 years of industry experience. He developed the Standard Testing Procedure (STP) for shisha charcoal and is the author of several patent-pending technologies in hookah coal manufacturing.
Greg Ryabtsev - Charcoal Expert
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