fabricante de carbón para shisha envasado
#nº 1 Fábrica líder de briquetas de carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco de Indonesia

Fabricante de carbones para narguile

Fabricante y proveedor de carbones indonesios para narguile con tu marca

Precio a partir de 1100 USD por tonelada

Pedido mínimo a partir de 2 toneladas

Los carbones para narguile están hechos con cáscaras de carbón de coco 100% naturales de origen de Sulawesi, son respetuosos con el medio ambiente y no contienen productos químicos. La mejor opción para distribuidores de narguile al por mayor con calidad de exportación

Llevamos trabajando desde 2016, fabricando 300 toneladas de carbón para narguile al mes y exportando a EE.UU., Australia, Reino Unido, Rusia, Turquía, Arabia Saudí, Canadá, Chezh, Polonia, Corea del Sur, Qatar y Bahréin.

Envíanos un WhatsApp ahora para obtener la última lista de precios e información.
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Hookah de la mejor calidad

Trabajar sólo con Venta al por mayor al por mayor Proveedores de carbones para narguile hechos con carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco:
Sin olor, sin chispas, sin grietas, 100% sin productos químicos.
La calidad de todos los carbones para narguile se comprueba en un laboratorio independiente.

1,6% de cenizas
1,6% de cenizas

Muy bajo contenido en cenizas con un color blanco plateado natural de las cenizas

650 celsisus alto calor
650 Celsius de alta temperatura

Calor extra alto del carbón para fumar narguile

2,5 horas de combustión
2,5 horas de combustión

Hasta más de 2,5 horas de combustión estable para ahumar

Acerca de la fábrica de carbones para narguile

Somos uno de los principales proveedores mundiales de carbones de hookah para fabricantes de briquetas de carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco de Indonesia, con un conjunto completo de documentos de producción y exportación y una gran experiencia en la exportación a 12 países de todo el mundo.

Breve vídeo sobre nuestra fábrica
Nombre de la fábricaPT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia
Número de registro (NIB)0220001680488
Año de creación2016
Nombre del propietarioWilson Gosalim
Dirección de la fábricaJl. Mayor Unus, KM 1.5 Magelang 56172, Java Central, Indonesia
CertificaciónISO 9001:2015, Auditoría de fábrica por Beckjorindo
Productocarbón para shisha hecho de cáscaras de coco
Capacidad de producción10 toneladas al día
Correo electrónico y teléfonoexport@charcoa l.pro, +628118797070
información de fábrica

Sólo compras al por mayor a granel

Estamos especializados en fabricar y suministrar carbón para narguile al por mayor, para distribuidores, propietarios de salones de shisha y empresas que buscan carbón de alta calidad en grandes cantidades.

Nuestra fábrica ofrece la mejor relación calidad-precio y entrega puntual para satisfacer tus necesidades al por mayor.

Somos PT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia Fábrica de Carbón Vegetal de Coco de Indonesia, tu fuente de carbones para narguile de primera calidad , exclusivamente para compras al por mayor al por mayor. Nuestra fábrica produce briquetas de carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco de la máxima calidad, hechas a medida para los aficionados al narguile y las empresas de todo el mundo.

¿Por qué elegir nuestro carbón para shisha?

  1. Natural y respetuoso con el medio ambiente: Elaboradas con carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco 100% natural, nuestras briquetas son ecológicas y de origen sostenible.
  2. Rendimiento superior: Nuestro carbón para shisha ofrece una elevada potencia calorífica de 650°C, lo que garantiza una sesión de ahumado de shisha duradera y consistente de hasta 2,5 horas.
  3. Bajo contenido en cenizas: somos la primera fábrica en empezar a fabricar un carbón con un bajo contenido en cenizas del 1,6%; nuestro carbón minimiza los residuos, haciendo que la limpieza sea rápida y fácil.
  4. Sin olor y sin grietas: Disfruta de una experiencia de fumada pura y suave con el carbón de coco inodoro, sin grietas y extrafuerte.
Haz clic en WhatsApp y obtén más información sobre la fábrica

¿Necesitas más información sobre nuestra empresa? Si quieres comprobar el Acta de constitución o ver nuestros certificados, dínoslo y te pondremos al día.

Fotos de carbones de narguile

Fotos de nuestros productos. Todo el carbón para shisha está hecho de carbón natural 100% de cáscara de coco con un nivel de carbonización del 85%+ y probado en laboratorio

chracoal.pro - briquetas de carbón de coco para shisha forma de cubo en el fuego
chracoal.pro – briquetas de carbón de coco para shisha forma de cubo en el fuego
charocoal.pro - carbones hookah forma hexa
charocoal.pro – carbones hookah forma hexa
charcoal.pro - carbones hookah tipo dedo
charcoal.pro – carbones hookah tipo dedo
charcoal.pro - cubitos de carbón de coco para shisha
charcoal.pro – cubitos de carbón de coco para shisha
WhatsApp para conseguir más fotos y vídeos

¿Buscas la forma o el tamaño específicos de la briqueta?
Envíanos un WhatsApp y te enviaremos fotos o vídeos de nuestros productos hechos especialmente para ti y a petición tuya.

Fotos de la fábrica de carbones para narguile

Descubre nuestra fábrica de carbones para narguile: Fotos destacadas

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Especificación de los carbones para narguile

Especificaciones de los carbones para narguile: Calidad y rendimiento

Nuestra fábrica está especializada en la producción exclusiva de carbones para narguile.

No fabricamos carbón para barbacoas ni carbón activado; nos centramos exclusivamente en el carbón de cáscara de coco para narguile.

Ofrecemos dos especificaciones: Super Premium y Platino.

La principal diferencia entre ellos es el contenido en cenizas. Super Premium tiene un contenido de cenizas de 1,9-2,2%, mientras que Platinum ofrece un contenido de cenizas aún más bajo, de 1,6-1,9%.

Producimos uno de los carbones de coco con menor contenido en cenizas del mundo, ofreciendo siempre la misma alta calidad en cada lote.

Descargar PDF Especificación de los carbones para narguile

Te enviaremos una lista de especificaciones en PDF por WhatsApp. Sólo tienes que hacer clic y enviarnos un mensaje.


Super Premium

Perfecto para el suministro al por mayor a salones de shisha y tiendas al por menor: La mejor relación calidad-precio

  • Contenido en cenizas: 1.9 – 2.2%
  • Carbono fijo: 75+%.
  • Humedad: 4%
  • Materia volátil: máx. 15
  • Poder calorífico: 7800 kcal
  • Poder calorífico: 650 °C
  • Tiempo de funcionamiento en espera (C26) 2,5 horas
  • Cambio efectivo de la temperatura de ahumado (60 min.) 650 – 500°C

98% de carbón vegetal natural de cáscara de coco + Tapioka (como aglutinante) + agua de manantial con pH 6,5

  • Libre de olores
  • Extra fuerte, sin grietas
  • Corte exacto y preciso



Ideal para mercados altamente competitivos con clientes muy exigentes y selectivos que se centran en la calidad

  • Contenido en cenizas: 1.6 – 1.9%
  • Carbono fijo: 85+%.
  • Humedad: 4%
  • Materia volátil: máx. 15
  • Poder calorífico: 7800 kcal
  • Poder calorífico: 650 °C
  • Tiempo de funcionamiento en espera (C26) 2,5 horas
  • Cambio efectivo de la temperatura de ahumado (60 min.) 650 – 500°C

Carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco 99% natural + Tapioka (como aglutinante) + agua de manantial con pH 6,5

  • Libre de olores
  • Extra fuerte, sin grietas
  • Corte exacto y preciso

Lista de precios de carbones para narguile

Explora nuestra lista de precios de carbones para narguile hechos con carbón natural de cáscara de coco indonesio de primera calidad. Ten en cuenta que ésta es nuestra lista de precios para el público en general. Para obtener precios detallados y personalizados adaptados a tus necesidades, ponte en contacto con nosotros directamente.

Carbones para narguile

Super Premium

Super Premium

Contenido en cenizas

precio a partir de

1100 USD

por tonelada

fabricación de carbón para shisha con tu marca

Fabricación y suministro de carbones para narguile con tu propia marca

fabricado con carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco 100% natural con un nivel de carbonización del 85%+

sin olor, sin humo
extra fuerte

Consigue la lista de precios tardía

Carbones para narguile



Contenido en cenizas

precio a partir de

1400 USD

por tonelada

fabricación de carbón para shisha con tu marca (en negro)

Fabricación de carbones para narguile con tu propia marca

fabricado con carbón vegetal de cáscara de coco 100% natural con un nivel de carbonización del 85%+

sin olor, sin humo
extra fuerte

Consigue la lista de precios tardía

Envíanos un WhatsApp para obtener la última lista de precios de carbones para narguile.

Tipos y tamaños de carbones para narguile

Fabricamos y suministramos 11 tipos de briquetas de carbón de coco para compradores al por mayor y al por mayor de carbón para narguile.
Todas las briquetas de carbón de coco están hechas de cáscaras de coco 100% naturales

Podemos personalizar el carbón para shisha según tus especificaciones, incluidas opciones con agujeros y otros tipos.

Consigue el Catálogo en WhatsApp

Haz clic en el botón para recibir nuestro completo catálogo de productos directamente en WhatsApp.
¡Obtén especificaciones detalladas e información sobre precios al instante!

Tiempo efectivo de combustión de los carbones para narguile

Carbones para narguile de larga duración: Tiempo de combustión eficaz para sesiones prolongadas. Cada lote de producción se somete a un control de calidad para medir y comprobar la estabilidad de la temperatura, la suficiencia y el tamaño, garantizando un rendimiento óptimo para sesiones prolongadas de fumar narguile.

Las siguientes son fotos de medición del tiempo efectivo para fumar shisha (quemar) para carbones de narguile. Calentamos los cubos de carbón de shisha en un calentador eléctrico (600 Kwh) durante 12 minutos, luego los ponemos en la cazoleta de shisha y empezamos a fumar. Se hicieron fotos cada 10 minutos, y también medimos el tamaño del carbón.

El tiempo de combustión efectivo (es decir, real) del carbón para shisha nos indica cuánto tiempo puedes fumar shisha (en nuestra prueba, fumaron shisha cuatro fumadores activos) sin cambiar el carbón.

Las cenizas de carbón se limpiaban cada 20 minutos. La posición del carbón no se modificó durante todo el proceso de ahumado.

Consigue precios al por mayor

Chatea con nosotros y te enviaremos el catálogo completo de nuestros carbones para narguile con precios al por mayor.

Control de calidad de los carbones para narguile

Nos tomamos muy en serio nuestra calidad, por lo que contamos con la certificación ISO 9001 7, pasos de control de calidad y un equipo de control de calidad dedicado. Asegúrate de que cada recipiente de carbones de narguile que recibes es el mismo que antes

Gatot Wibowo, director y jefe de producción de briquetas de carbón de coco
Gatot Wibowo, director y jefe de producción de briquetas de carbón de coco

Correo electrónico: gatot@exportcharcoal.pro
Teléfono: +6285328727291

¿Por qué elegirnos? ¿Por qué podemos vender a EE.UU., Australia, Rusia y otros mercados exigentes y de alta calidad?

  • Control de calidad en siete pasos
  • ISO 9001
  • Probado en laboratorio independiente
  • Tecnología de fabricación pendiente de patente
  • Explota instalaciones de combustión propias en las islas Halmahera y Sulawesi
  • Poseer una granja con 21000 cocoteros
  • Equipo interno de control de calidad.

Lee más sobre nuestros procedimientos de Control de Calidad, Garantía de Calidad y cómo nos aseguramos de que nuestra calidad sea siempre la misma.

Nos especializamos sólo en carbones para narguile con un contenido de ceniza extra bajo y de la máxima calidad

no hacemos barbacoas ni otros tipos sólo carbones para narguile
Carta de garantía
Carta de garantía

Garantía de calidad

Garantizamos la entrega de briquetas de carbón vegetal de coco 100% natural de la más alta calidad, de acuerdo con las especificaciones.

Cada lote de cáscaras de coco se somete a pruebas individuales en un laboratorio independiente y en nuestro laboratorio interno especializado para evaluar el contenido de cenizas, humedad y carbono.

Invitamos a los compradores a visitar nuestra fábrica de briquetas de carbón para que inspeccionen y supervisen nuestra producción y la dotación de personal de los contenedores.

En nuestra fábrica se guardan muestras de cada lote de briquetas de carbón vegetal para garantizar una calidad y unas especificaciones constantes en los pedidos repetidos a granel.

Para un control de calidad adicional, puedes recurrir a un perito independiente. Colaboramos con Beckjoridno, Carsurin, Intertek y SGC.

Más información sobre nuestra Garantía de Calidad

Ponte en contacto con nosotros por WhatsApp para obtener información detallada sobre nuestro proceso de fabricación, procedimientos de envasado y medidas de control de calidad. Descubre por qué nuestra fábrica suministra sistemáticamente los mismos productos de alta calidad en cada envase.

Opiniones de TrustPilot
Opiniones de Trustpilot
Opiniones de Google My Business
Opiniones de Google My Business

Incluso dentro del sector mayorista B2B, nuestros clientes proporcionan constantemente comentarios positivos.

Certificaciones de carbones para narguile

Nuestra fábrica está totalmente certificada y dispone de todas las certificaciones y papeles necesarios para la producción y exportación de carbones para narguile a todo el mundo.

Certificado ISO9001
Certificado ISO9001
Certificado de análisis
Certificado de análisis
SHT Prueba de autocalentamiento
SHT Prueba de autocalentamiento

Utilizamos nuestro laboratorio interno e inspectores independientes, como Backjoridno y Carsurin, para probar nuestras briquetas de carbón de coco. La comprobación cruzada constante de los resultados de laboratorio es un aspecto crucial de nuestro proceso de control de calidad para la fabricación de briquetas de carbón vegetal.

Pregunta por nuestras certificaciones

PT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia es una fábrica de briquetas de carbón vegetal totalmente certificada, creada para satisfacer tus necesidades al por mayor.

Envío y entrega de carbones para narguile

Enviar carbón de narguile puede ser complejo, ya que la mayoría de las compañías navieras lo clasifican como Mercancía Peligrosa. Sólo unos pocos elegidos están dispuestos a encargarse de su entrega.

Pedido mínimo (MOQ): a partir de 18 toneladas de carbón vegetal o un contenedor de 20 pies. Para algunos destinos, también está disponible el pedido mínimo de 2 toneladas.

Podemos hacer el relleno sobre paletas o sin ellas.

Capacidad del contenedor

relleno contenedor de 20 pies

En el contenedor de 20″ pies caben hasta 1850 cajas maestras de 25 mm cúbicos, embaladas en cajas maestras de pared simple. El número de cajas está limitado por el volumen del contenedor.

Contenedor de 40 pies MSC

En el contenedor de 40″ pies caben hasta 2500 cajas maestras de cubos de 25 mm, embaladas en cajas maestras de pared simple.

El número de cajas está limitado por el peso bruto máximo del contenedor.

Todos los envíos son verificados y comprobados por un perito independiente de Beckjorindo o Carsurin.

Utilizamos una manta térmica (proliner) para proteger tu carbón de la humedad y los cambios de temperatura.

Cada contenedor tiene un absorbente de humedad de gel de sílice para proteger tus cajas.

Fotos de Relleno de envases

relleno contenedor de 20 pies
relleno contenedor de 20 pies
relleno contenedor de 20 pies
relleno contenedor de 20 pies

Embarcamos con MSC (Medeterian Shipping Lines), OOCL, CMA CGM, SITC, Sinokor, Heung A Line, Vasi Lines y Emirates Shipping.

Leer más sobre Tiempo de tránsito (envío ) a los principales puertos

Consulta el último precio de envío desde Semarang

Puerto de carga: Semarang, A petición, está disponible en Surabaya o Yakarta

Salida: todos los martes, todas las semanas

Último día de relleno de contenedores: Viernes de cada semana

Obtén el último precio de envío

El precio del envío cambia cada dos semanas. Además, algunos gastos adicionales están ocultos. WhatsApp para obtener toda la información sobre el envío.

Exportar documentos

Proporcionamos un conjunto completo de documentos de exportación para EE.UU., Europa, Reino Unido, Rusia, Turquía, Arabia Saudí y otros países.

documentos de exportación de briquetas de carbón de coco
documentos de exportación de briquetas de carbón de coco
  • BL – Conocimiento de embarque
  • COO – Certificado de origen
  • Lista de embalaje y factura
  • ISF (sólo para EEUU)

Más información sobre los documentos de transporte en nuestro sitio web

  • FDS (Hoja de datos del material)
  • FA (Auditoría de Fábrica por Carsurin & Beckjorindo)
  • SHT (Prueba de autocalentamiento)
  • COA/ROA (Análisis de laboratorio)
  • Certificado Vanning
  • Declaración de fabricación
  • Declaración de envasado
Consigue asesoramiento sobre los documentos de exportación

Si tienes dudas sobre los documentos de importación necesarios para los carbones de narguile en tu país, ponte en contacto con nosotros por WhatsApp. Gracias a nuestra amplia experiencia en exportaciones a todo el mundo, podemos ofrecerte una valiosa orientación.

Envasado de carbones para narguile con tu propia marca

Somos fabricantes OEM de marca blanca, lo que significa que puedes encargar carbones para narguile con tu marca

carbón para shisha en envase completo
carbón para shisha en envase completo

Caja principal con plástico interior. La mejor solución para los cafés de shisha

envase interior de plástico a granel carbón para shisha
envase interior de plástico a granel carbón para shisha

Caja principal con caja interior. Ideal para la venta al por menor y para construir tu marca

carbón para shisha envasado a granel
carbón para shisha envasado a granel

Los envases sueltos a granel son los mejores para los salones de narguile con gran volumen de negocio

Más información sobre envases, diferentes tipos de cajas maestras e interiores

Pregúntanos sobre cómo marcar tu propio envase

¿Quieres fabricar carbones para narguile con tu propia marca? Te ayudaremos


Preguntas frecuentes sobre la compra al por mayor de carbones para narguile

We know how important it is for you to receive top-quality coconut charcoal briquettes that meet your exact needs. We are in the same "boat" with our clients. The more you can sell - the more you will order from us. That is why quality and good price is the main focus at our factory. Here’s how we make sure you get the best:

1. Committed to Quality: Our factory proudly holds the ISO 9001:2015 certification, ensuring that our production processes meet top-notch international standards. We are Factory Audited, by Beckjorindo the independent laboratory in Indonesia.

2. Thorough Quality Checks: We have a dedicated Quality Control team at our factory to perform seven steps of quality control during the production of all our hookah coals. This helps us maintain a consistent quality.

3. Independent Testing: We go the extra mile by having each batch of our briquettes tested independently in a laboratory, usually we use Beckjorindo, Carsurin, or SGS for the laboratory. This ensures our products are up to scratch before they reach you.

4. Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: We genuinely care about your satisfaction. If our coconut charcoal briquettes don't match the specifications we promised, we’ll either exchange them or refund your purchase. We want you to profit from our products, just as we do.

5. Friendly and Responsive Support: If you ever have any concerns about the quality of our charcoal, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach our shisha charcoal expert Greg at email export@charcoal.pro or via WhatsApp at +628118797070. Our Quality Control team, and Greg Ryabtsev personally, are here to help you with any issues. We take pride in taking care of our customers.

Thank you for trusting us with your coconut charcoal briquette needs. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

We know how important it is for you to receive consistent, high-quality shisha charcoal in every shipment. Shisha charcoal is made from coconut shells that are natural product and can vary from season to season and depending on its growing location too. Here’s how we ensure that happens, even with the natural variations in coconut shells:

1. Standardized Production Process: Our ISO 9001:2015 certified factory follows a strict, standardized production process. This ensures that every batch of charcoal is produced with the same high-quality standards.

2. Seven Steps of Quality Control: Our dedicated Quality Control team conducts seven meticulous steps of quality control throughout the production process. This starts from collecting coconut shells, burning, grinding, compressing, and cutting. Each step includes checks for uniform size, shape, density, and burn time to ensure consistency.

3. Consistent Raw Materials: We own and operate our own farms in North Sulawesi and Halmahera Islands, with over 20,000 palm trees. Additionally, we have our own coconut shell burning facility in Halmahera. This control over our raw materials helps us maintain consistent quality all the time.

4. Independent Laboratory Testing: Each batch of our shisha charcoal undergoes independent laboratory testing. This additional layer of verification ensures that our products meet stringent quality standards before they are shipped out.

5. Batch Tracking System: We employ a batch tracking system that allows us to monitor and record the quality metrics of each production batch. This helps us trace and address any inconsistencies quickly.

6. Final Inspection Before Shipping: Before any shipment leaves our facility, it undergoes a final quality inspection. We usually invite an independent inspector from the laboratory to cross-check our work, ensuring every container meets our high standards.

7. Customer Feedback Loop: We highly value feedback from our customers and use it to continually improve our processes. If any issues are reported, we investigate and rectify them to prevent recurrence.

By implementing these measures, we ensure that each container and shipment of our shisha charcoal maintains the same high quality, giving you peace of mind with every order.

We take quality and safety seriously, and our certifications reflect our commitment to excellence. Here are the certifications and tests that back our shisha charcoal:

1. ISO 9001:2015 Certification: Our factory is ISO 9001:2015 certified, which means we adhere to international standards for quality management systems.

2. Factory Audit by Beckjorindo: Our factory undergoes regular audits by Beckjorindo, an independent laboratory, to ensure our processes and products meet stringent quality standards.

3. Self Heating Tests (SHT): All our shipments undergo Self Heating Tests (SHT) to ensure safety during transportation.

4. Certificates of Analysis: Each batch of our shisha charcoal comes with a Certificate of Analysis, providing detailed information about its quality and composition.

5. Export Certification: We are fully certified for export, ensuring that our products meet international shipping and regulatory standards.

6. Shipping Line Registrations: We are registered with MSC, OOCL, and CMA CGM shipping lines, guaranteeing reliable and efficient delivery of our products.

These certifications and tests ensure that our shisha charcoal meets the highest standards of quality and safety, giving you confidence in every shipment.

Our production capacity for coconut charcoal briquettes is 10 tons per day or 300 tons per month, utilizing 2 production lines with 7 gas ovens to ensure a stable and efficient production process.

Additionally, we have our own burning facility at Halamhera, which provides us with the best quality raw material.

We can manufacture and supply hookah coals for a 20″ft container (18 tons) in just 10 days, and for a 40″ft container (25 tons) in just 14 days, including the processes of grinding, mixing, production, and packing into inner plastic bags. Please note that printing of packaging may take 2-3 weeks.

Shisha charcoal is primarily made from **coconut shells**. These shells are carbonized under controlled burning conditions to achieve a high **fixed carbon level (around 85%)**. This process creates a clean-burning charcoal that's ideal for hookah smoking.

Additionally, some shisha charcoals may include natural binding agents like tapioca starch in small amounts (1-3%) to improve the shape and burning properties. We prioritize using natural materials whenever possible to ensure the quality and consistency of our products.

Our coconut shell shisha charcoal stands out for several great reasons:

1. Stable Quality: We produce some of the world's lowest ash content charcoal at just 1.6%. This means cleaner, longer-lasting burns with consistently high quality.

2. Quality Control: Our seven-step quality control process ensures every batch meets our high standards for uniform size, shape, density, and burn time.

3. Pure Ingredients: Our charcoal is made purely from coconut shells with no wood or chemicals mixed in. This guarantees a natural, high-quality product.

4. Own Raw Materials: We own over 20,000 coconut palm trees and have our own burning facility in Halmahera. This ensures we always have a stable and consistent supply of top-quality raw materials.

5. ISO 9001 Certified: Our factory is ISO 9001:2015 certified, meaning our production processes meet international standards for quality management.

7. Expert Oversight: Greg Ryabtsev, our shisha charcoal expert, oversees the entire process to ensure our products are the best they can be.

7. Focused Expertise: We specialize only in shisha charcoal, allowing us to focus on making the best product possible. This specialization helps our clients become top sellers in their regions.

These factors make our coconut shell shisha charcoal a superior choice for anyone looking for quality, reliability, and excellent performance.

Using coconut shell shisha charcoal comes with a host of benefits:

1. Cleaner Burn: Coconut shell charcoal has a low ash content, resulting in a cleaner burn. Our charcoal has an ash content of just 1.6%, making it one of the cleanest options available. No ash is falling down to your bowl

2. Longer-Lasting: Coconut shell charcoal burns longer than other types of charcoal, allowing for extended shisha sessions without needing frequent replacements. Cube 25, for example can last up to 2 hours 25 minutes on standby or more then one hour during hookah smoking session.

4. Pure and Natural: Our charcoal is made purely from coconut shells with no added wood or chemicals, ensuring a natural product that’s better for your health and the environment. Basically no smell and no headache after smoking. You feel the tobacco taste all the time, not the charcoal taste

5. Eco-Friendly: Using coconut shells, a renewable and sustainable resource, helps reduce waste and environmental impact. It’s a more eco-friendly choice compared to traditional wood-based charcoal.

6. No Sparks and No Smell: Our charcoal produces no sparks and no smell, providing a safer and more pleasant shisha experience.

7. Beautiful Flame: The flame of our coconut shell charcoal looks beautiful, adding to the overall enjoyment of your shisha session.

8. Stable Heat Output: Our coconut shell charcoal provides a stable heat output of 650°C during the first one and a half hours, making it perfect for shisha smoking and ensuring a consistent, enjoyable session.

9. Minimal Odor and Taste: Coconut shell charcoal produces minimal odor and does not affect the taste of your shisha, providing a more enjoyable smoking experience.

These benefits make coconut shell shisha charcoal a superior choice for a premium smoking experience.

Yes, our coconut shell shisha charcoal products are both eco-friendly and sustainable. Here’s how:

1. Renewable Resource: Our charcoal is made from coconut shells, a renewable byproduct of the coconut industry. This means we’re utilizing a material that would otherwise go to waste.

2. Sustainable Practices: We own and operate over 20,000 coconut palm trees, ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of raw materials. Our farming and production practices are designed to minimize environmental impact.

3. No Deforestation: Unlike wood-based charcoals, our product does not contribute to deforestation. We do not use any wood or chemicals in our charcoal, making it a more sustainable choice.

4. Low Emissions: Our production process is designed to minimize emissions and reduce our carbon footprint. By using efficient burning techniques and modern equipment, we produce high-quality charcoal with less environmental impact.

5. ISO 9001 Certified: Our factory is ISO 9001:2015 certified, meaning we adhere to international standards for quality management and environmental responsibility.

6. Minimal Waste: The production of coconut shell charcoal generates very little waste, and any byproducts are managed in an environmentally responsible manner.

By choosing our coconut shell shisha charcoal, you are supporting eco-friendly and sustainable practices, contributing to a healthier planet.

Our shisha charcoal, made from pure coconut shells, produces a high and stable heat of 650°C, which is ideal for shisha smoking. After heating up, the charcoal maintains this temperature throughout a one and a half-hour smoking session, ensuring your shisha tobacco is perfectly heated to bring out all the flavors.

Thanks to the high fixed carbon content of 85% and above, our charcoal provides an efficient burning process, generating up to 7500 kcal. We operate our own burning facility on Halmahera Island, allowing us to maintain consistent quality in our coconut shells.

Yes, our shisha charcoal is made from natural, well-pyrolyzed coconut shells with a fixed carbon content of 85% and above, ensuring it produces no smell or fluids during burning. For the binder, we use a specially produced tapioca starch (just 1 to 3%) that does not affect the taste or smell. For more detailed information, read our article "Why does coconut charcoal for hookah smell?" to understand the topic better.

When discussing shipping times, it's important to distinguish between lead time (manufacturing time) and transit (shipping time).

Shipping Time:

- EU Region: On average, shipping takes about 35 days. During exceptional circumstances like the Red Sea crisis, it can take up to 2 months.
- USA: Typically, it takes 45-60 days on average.
- Middle East Countries: Shipping to these destinations generally takes around 2 weeks.

Lead Time:

- Shisha Charcoal: It takes 10 days to prepare a 20 ft container and 14 days for a 40 ft container.

Please note that these are average times and can vary based on specific circumstances and destination ports. For the most accurate and current shipping times, please contact our logistics team.

Please note that we work exclusively with wholesale orders starting from 2 tons per type/packaging. To place an order, simply contact our hookah coals expert Greg Ryabtsev via WhatsApp at +628118797070 or email at export@charcoal.pro.

Here's the ordering process:

1. Contact Us: Reach out to Greg Ryabtsev with your requirements.
2. Cost Calculation: We will calculate the exact cost of your order and your down payment.
3. Packaging Design: We will send you the layout (die-cut) and sizes of the packaging so your designer can create an eye-catching box for you.
4. Production Scheduling: Once your design is ready, we will schedule your production.
5. Order Fulfillment: We will manufacture and ship your shisha charcoal order.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need further assistance with your order.

We usually assist in finding a reliable shipping line based on price, delivery time, and reliability. Only certain shipping lines accept shisha charcoal, and most classify it as Dangerous Goods rather than General Goods. We typically use MSC, OOCL, CMA CGM, Emirates Shipping, Vasi Shipping, and Asyad Shipping lines.

If you have your own shipping arrangements or better options with cheaper prices, you are welcome to use them. However, if you need assistance, we can handle the shipping to your port. Please note that upon arrival at your destination port, you will need to handle customs clearance and other logistics, or you can hire a customs broker or shipping agent in your country to manage this for you.

Yes, we have MSDS available for our charcoal. Please contact us via WhatsApp at +628118797070 or email at export@charcoal.pro to request the latest MSDS. You can also click this MSDS link to view the document directly.

Yes, our factory has been audited and we have a Factory Audit from Beckjorindo Laboratory. Please contact us via WhatsApp at +628118797070 or email at export@charcoal.pro to request a scanned copy of the document.

Certainly, we have both Self Heating Test (SHT) and Result of Analysis (ROA) documents. We conduct these tests for all shipments. If you would like to see these documents, please contact our shisha charcoal expert Greg Ryabtsev via WhatsApp at +628118797070 or email at export@charcoal.pro.

Yes, Indonesia the the main exporter of shisha coconut shell charcoal. Simply because the soil where coconut trees are growing contains perfect composition of minerals and other elements that makes Indonesian coconut shell produce very low ash content, natural white ash and very high heat.

Coconut shell shisha charcoal is manufactured through a multi-step process:

1. Coconut Shell Collection: We collect discarded coconut shells, primarily sourced from our own coconut tree plantations in North Sulawesi, where we have over 20,000 trees.

2. Drying and Sorting: The collected shells are dried in the sun and sorted to remove impurities.

3. Carbonization: The dried shells undergo carbonization, a process where they are heated in an environment with limited oxygen. This converts the shells into charcoal, removing volatile compounds and leaving behind a porous, carbon-rich material. Our own burning facility at Halmahera Island ensures stable and high-quality production batches.

4. Crushing and Sizing: The charcoal is crushed into smaller pieces and sorted to achieve the desired size range.

5. Mixing, Compression, and Cutting: The charcoal is mixed with tapioca starch binder, compressed, and cut into the desired shape.

6. Drying: We use gas ovens to dry the shisha charcoal, ensuring a maximum moisture content of 4%. The drying process typically takes from 36 to 80 hours, maintaining a consistent temperature throughout.

7. Packaging: The charcoal is packaged for distribution, often in air-tight bags or containers to prevent moisture absorption.

Our manufacturing process does not involve the use of chemicals, ensuring that our products do not affect the smell or taste of the shisha.

Certainly! Our coconut charcoal factory in Magelang, Indonesia, warmly welcomes visitors. Our address is: Jl. Mayor Unus km 1.5 Magelang 56127, Central Java, Indonesia

If you’re interested in seeing our production process, please let us know your expected arrival date and time, and we’ll arrange to pick you up at either Semarang or Jogjakarta airport. Our team will transport you to the factory, which is about a two-hour drive from the airport.

We’re also happy to assist with arranging your accommodations in Magelang. Many of our first-time wholesale buyers find it incredibly helpful to visit the factory, meet our team, and see the production process, packing, and container stuffing firsthand.

Most of our first-time buyers choose to visit our factory before making a purchase. It's a great opportunity to see our team in action, observe the production process, and verify the quality of our charcoal.

Thank you for considering a visit to our coconut charcoal factory! We look forward to welcoming you.

To request a sample of our coconut charcoal briquettes for shisha, please contact us via WhatsApp at +62 811 879 7070 or email us at export@charcoal.pro.

Our expert, Greg Ryabtsev, will provide you with all the necessary details about our products, including specifications, pricing, and shipping options.

We offer free samples, which will be delivered through DHL, FedEx, EMS, or SDEK to ensure product quality. However, please note that shipping costs for sample products will be charged to the customer.

We look forward to providing you with a sample of our high-quality shisha charcoal!

For wholesale purchases of our shisha charcoal, the minimum order quantity (MOQ) is 18 tons. This is due to several factors:

1. Shipping Constraints: Our factory is located in Magelang, Indonesia, and we deliver wholesale orders by sea containers (either 20-foot or 40-foot containers). Shipping lines prohibit Less-than-Container Load (LCL) shipments for shisha charcoal, which means that you must order a Full Container Load (FCL) even for quantities under 18 tons.

2. Container Capacity: A 20-foot container can accommodate 17 to 20 tons of shisha charcoal, depending on the size and packaging type. For the popular 25mm cube charcoal with full packaging, we can fit up to 18.5 tons in a 20-foot container.

3. Cost Efficiency: Ordering less than 18 tons significantly increases the transportation cost per kilo, as you would need to pay for an entire container regardless of the quantity. Additionally, packaging printing costs increase for orders under 18 tons due to higher per-piece costs for lower quantities.

4. Air Shipment Limitations: We cannot deliver charcoal by air because the cost would be 2 to 5 USD per kg, which is more than the cost of the charcoal itself.

Therefore, to ensure cost-effectiveness and comply with shipping regulations, our minimum order quantity for wholesale purchases of shisha charcoal is set at 18 tons, which is the typical capacity of a 20-foot container with full packaging.

We offer 11 different shapes of shisha charcoal to cater to various market preferences. Our most popular shapes are cubes, which come in sizes of 20, 22, 23.5, 25 (most popular), 26, 27 (most popular in the EU), 28, 30, and 31 mm. We also produce cubes with holes for higher temperature flow, cubes with ribbons, or curved sides.

Additionally, we manufacture hexagonal charcoal with widths of 20, 21, 22, and 23 mm, and lengths of 35, 40, and 50 mm. Similar sizes are available for finger type (also called tubes), octagonal shapes, and dome shapes.

Other shapes include lotus (also known as the Mercedes logo shape) with 3 or 4 leaves, triangular charcoal, and flat shapes.

The ideal shape and size for your market may vary. For instance, in Russia, 25 and 26 mm cubes are the most popular, while in Australia, hexagonal and finger types are favored. To select the best shape and size for your market, please contact our expert Greg Ryabtsev via WhatsApp for personalized advice.

Yes, you can mix different sizes and shapes in one container. However, please note that the minimum order per shape, size, or packaging type is 2 tons of shisha charcoal. While the cost of the charcoal itself remains the same, smaller orders incur higher packaging printing costs. Our price list is based on an 18-ton order, so splitting the order into multiple sizes, such as 5,000 boxes of 25 mm cubes, 5,000 boxes of 26 mm cubes, and 8,000 boxes of 27 mm cubes, will increase the overall cost compared to ordering a full container of one size. To calculate the exact cost, please contact us.

Yes, we can help you develop and arrange copyrights and patents for any new shapes you want to order. Please keep in mind that manufacturing a custom shape or size will take longer as we need to create molds, perform cutting, and conduct testing before mass production. To discuss your ideas for customized shapes of shisha charcoal, please WhatsApp our expert Greg Ryabtsev.

Absolutely! We specialize in OEM and white label manufacturing for shisha charcoal, allowing you to have it branded under your own name. We offer customizable inner boxes in various sizes: 250 grams, 500 grams, 1 kg, 1.5 kgs, 2 kgs, and 3 kgs. You can also get master boxes in sizes of 5, 10, 12, 16, or 20 kgs, all featuring your unique design and brand. Reach out to us, and we’ll provide you with the layout and Adobe Illustrator die-cut sizes to get started on your custom packaging design.

Our shisha charcoal has an average burning time of 2.5 hours, but this can vary based on size and airflow. For example, a 25 mm cube has a standby time of 2 hours and 15 minutes in open air (without ash cleaning). During a smoking session with 3-4 smokers, it typically lasts about 1 hour and 20 minutes. It's important to note that effective burning time—when the charcoal produces enough heat for a satisfying smoking experience — is what truly matters.

We offer a variety of payment methods for wholesale orders to ensure a smooth and convenient transaction process. You can choose to pay via:

1. Bank Transfer (T/T): This is our most common method. A deposit is typically required to start production, with the balance paid before shipment.
2. Letter of Credit (L/C): For larger orders, we accept Letters of Credit, which provide security for both parties.

We understand that transferring USD can be difficult in some countries, so we also offer our prices in EUR or Yuan. In some cases, we can accept payment via cash or Bitcoin (USDT) for added convenience. Please contact our sales team to discuss the best payment option for your specific order and requirements.

hipping costs can vary depending on the shipping line and the season. To get the most accurate and current shipping costs, please check our monthly updates on this page: Shipping Time and Cost Updates.

For a general estimate or specific queries, please contact our logistics team directly. They can provide detailed information based on your order size and destination.

While our price list offers the most competitive rates, we are open to discussing additional discounts for orders exceeding 100 tons.

Why Our Current Price is Competitive
Our current pricing structure minimizes costs. However, we can negotiate with our printing and shipping partners to potentially secure a better deal for bulk orders.

Contact Us for Large Orders
Feel free to contact Greg, our hookah coals expert, via Whatsapp to discuss bulk order pricing in more detail.

For international orders, we offer only Full Container Load (FCL) shipping. This means you need to order a full container load of shisha charcoal. Unfortunately, shipping lines do not accept Less Container Load (LCL) or partial shipments, and we cannot mix your charcoal with other goods.

Shipping Options:

- 20-foot Container: Can hold up to 18 tons of shisha charcoal.
- 40-foot Container: Can hold up to 25 tons of shisha charcoal.

Please note that shipping by air is not available due to the extremely high costs, which would exceed the cost of the goods themselves.

For any further assistance or questions regarding shipping options, feel free to contact our shisha charcoal expert Greg at WhatsApp +628118797070 or email export@charcoal.pro

The packaging of our shisha charcoal is customizable based on your order, but generally, it includes an inner plastic wrap, an inner box, and a master box. For more details on packaging types, you can refer to our article.

For container shipping, we take several additional steps to ensure the safety and quality of your charcoal:

1. Cleaning and Quality Check: Before loading, your charcoal boxes are cleaned from dust and rechecked for quality.
2. Container Protection: The inside of the containers is covered either with a thermoblanket or plastic wrapping to protect the charcoal from moisture, dust, and other potential damages.
3. Moisture Absorption: We add silica gel as a moisture absorber for additional protection.
4. Stuffing Supervision: The container stuffing process is overseen by our stuffing supervisor with a special checklist and an independent supervisor from the laboratory.

These measures are taken to ensure your goods are delivered safely. If you'd like to see photos or videos of the stuffing process, please WhatsApp our expert Greg Ryabtsev at +628118797070

Yes, we provide all necessary documents for customs clearance. Every shisha charcoal shipment includes the following documents:

- Bill of Lading (BL)
- Certificate of Origin (COO)
- Invoice
- Packing List
- Export Declaration

These documents are sufficient to start the customs clearance process in your country. For shipments to the US, we also provide an Importer Security Filing (ISF). If you need consultation on the documents, please contact our shisha charcoal expert Greg Ryabtsev via WhatsApp at +628118797070 or email at export@charcoal.pro.

Yes, you are most welcome to visit our factory, check our quality, see our production, warehouse, and get to know our team in person. We will arrange for a car to pick you up from the airport in Yogyakarta (YIA) or Semarang. Simply WhatsApp Greg Ryabtsev at +628118797070 or email at export@charcoal.pro to arrange your visit. Factory is working 24/7 but office is from Monday to Saturday from 9 till 5 pm.

In fact, visiting our factory is what most of our clients do. Before placing their first order, many of our customers choose to visit us. Please visit us too

No, we specialize exclusively in natural coconut shell shisha charcoal. We do not produce flavored shisha, fast-burning charcoal, or magic coal. Our focus is on delivering high-quality, natural coconut shell charcoal specifically designed for hookah enthusiasts who value pure and authentic smoking experiences.

No, we specialize solely in shisha charcoal production. While shisha charcoal may appear similar to BBQ or grill charcoal, they are distinct products made from different materials and manufactured using different equipment. It is rare to produce high-quality shisha charcoal alongside BBQ charcoal due to these differences. Our focus remains solely on crafting premium shisha charcoal for the best hookah smoking experience.

When handling shisha charcoal, it's crucial to observe several safety precautions to prevent accidents, injuries, and potential health risks. Here are some essential safety measures to consider:

1. Proper ventilation: Shisha charcoal emits carbon monoxide when burning, a colorless and odorless gas. Always use shisha charcoal in well-ventilated areas and avoid using it indoors without adequate ventilation.

2. Fire safety: Shisha charcoal can reach temperatures as high as 650°C and remain hot for up to 2 hours. Never leave lit charcoal unattended and ensure it's placed on a heat-resistant surface, away from flammable materials. Have a fire extinguisher or water source nearby for emergencies.

3. Personal protective equipment: Use tongs or appropriate tools to handle shisha charcoal, avoiding direct contact with hands. Avoid wearing loose clothing that could catch fire.

4. Proper lighting and handling: Use approved lighting tools or electric heaters designed for shisha charcoal. Never attempt to light charcoal with flammable liquids or accelerants.

5. Children and pet safety: Keep shisha charcoal and related equipment out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion or injuries.

By following these safety precautions, you can enjoy using shisha charcoal responsibly while minimizing potential risks and hazards.

Shisha charcoal is generally a safe and easy-to-handle product. However, it's important to follow some basic storage guidelines to maintain its quality and safety:

1. Keep away from open fire: Store shisha charcoal away from sources of open flames or sparks to prevent accidental ignition.

2. Avoid direct sunlight: Exposure to direct sunlight can cause shisha charcoal to degrade over time and affect its performance. Store it in a cool, shaded area to maintain its quality.

3. Prevent exposure to high heat: High temperatures can cause shisha charcoal to ignite or deteriorate prematurely. Store it in a cool, dry place away from heat sources such as heaters or stoves.

4. Protect from water: Shisha charcoal can absorb moisture, which may affect its burning properties. Store it in a dry environment and avoid exposure to water or humidity.

By following these simple storage requirements, you can ensure that your shisha charcoal remains safe and effective for use whenever you need it.

muestras gratuitas de carbones para narguile

Consigue una muestra gratuita de carbones para narguile

Prueba ahora nuestras briquetas de carbón de coco para shisha

Antes de hacer un pedido al por mayor de carbones para narguile, prueba nuestro producto con una muestra gratuita.

Te ofrecemos de 1 a 10 kg de muestras gratuitas de carbones para narguile, ¡sólo para ti! Elige entre forma cúbica, hexagonal o cualquier otra que se adapte a tus necesidades.

Nuestras muestras vienen embaladas en cajas con nuestra marca de fábrica, para que puedas ver y comprobar los carbones de narguile y la calidad de nuestro embalaje.

Asegúrate de que nuestros productos son mejores que los de tus competidores, ¡para que puedas vender más y satisfacer a tus clientes!

Cómo solicitar tu muestra gratuita

Ponte en contacto con nuestro experto en carbón vegetal, Greg Ryabrsev, por WhatsApp para que te ayude. No lo dudes, ¡acércate ahora!

Detalles de la entrega

  • Las muestras son gratuitas, con envío a través de DHL.
  • Para FedEx, EMS y CDEK, los gastos de envío corren a cargo del cliente.

No pierdas esta oportunidad de probar los mejores carbones para narguile del mercado. ¡Ponte en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo!

Contacta con nosotros

Pregunta directamente a nuestro conocido experto en carbones para narguile Greg Ryabtsev

Greg Ryabtsev experto en carbón para shisha
Greg Ryabtsev, experto en carbones de narguile


  • WhatsApp: +628118797070
  • Telegrama: @Hookahcoals
  • Correo electrónico: export@charcoal.pro
  • Teléfono: +628118797070

Dirección de la fábrica

PT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia

Ubicación de la fábrica

Jl. Mayor Unus KM 1.5
Magelang 56172
Central Java, Indonesia

Ubicación de la fábrica Enlace Google Maps:


Horario de apertura:

Fábrica: 24 horas, siete días a la semana
Oficina: 09:00 – 17:00 (GMT +7)