image of shisha charcoal cue 26 mm Super Premium
立方体水烟炭的尺寸为 26 毫米。 超级特级为 26 毫米 x 25.8 x 25.9 毫米。 0.2-0.1 毫米的差异是为了保持每 1 公斤 64 块木炭的重量。

批量批发 26 毫米特级水烟炭块

水烟用椰壳炭块。 使用您的品牌(OEM/白标)生产的特级水烟炭

5 星评级

5 星级质量评级

胡克哈煤批量批发价格从每吨 1200 美元起

挂牌价:1680 美元(EXW) |最小起订量:18 吨

产品名称水烟炭立方体 26 毫米
非常适合水烟咖啡馆/酒吧 Launges
一种尺寸/品牌的最低订购量2 吨
最小批量订单 (MOQ)18 吨
OEM / 您的品牌非常适合零售商店

我们的 26 毫米水烟木炭由印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛的 100% 天然椰子壳制成。 这些环保炭块不含木材、防腐剂、化学品或涂层。 它们能带来干净纯粹的吸烟体验,不会引起头痛或产生异味。


  • 天然来源:由陈年倒伏的椰子制成,为苏拉威西和爪哇的当地社区提供支持。
  • 燃烧时间长:可持续燃烧 2 小时以上,非常适合做水烟。
  • 灰烬含量低:只产生 1.9-2.2% 的灰烬,燃烧更干净。


  • 批发重点:非常适合分销给水烟吧、酒吧、咖啡馆和烟草零售店。
  • 定制品牌:包装可根据您的品牌量身定制,并针对批量装运进行优化。






26 毫米超高级立方体的照片

Wholesale Hookah Coals
类型的规格:立方体 26 毫米特级

尺寸26 x 26 x 26 毫米
重量每件 15.625 克
每 1 公斤件数64 件
每 64 件的重量(1 千克)1 小时 30 分钟
燃烧时间 (SB)2 小时
燃烧时间(AS)90 多分钟
热值7500 千卡
燃烧温度620 °C
密度 g/cm30.90084
烘箱后/包装后的水分4 % / 6%
Cube 26 毫米型的规格:超高级
logo of low ash content for shisha charcoal cube 26 mm
灰分含量 1.9-2.2
logo of long burning time for shisha charcoal cube 26 mm
1.5 小时以上的燃烧时间
logo for odorless of shisha charcoal cube 26 mm
logo for coconut shell charcoal shisha charcoal cube 26 mm

最好的散装椰子炭,形状为 26 毫米立方体,用于水烟熏制

Measuring the weight of 1 kg pack of shisha charcoal Cube 26 mm Super Premium
1 千克为 64 件,重量为 1010+ 克
Measuring the size of shisha charcoal Cube 26 mm Super Premium
精确切割立方体的所有边长为 26 毫米

26 毫米特级水烟炭块的有效燃烧时间、温度和尺寸

我们在三人实际吸烟过程中测试我们的水烟炭,以了解我们的立方体炭块的性能如何。 我们从 0 到 90 分钟测量温度、重量和尺寸。 在待机模式下(不吸烟),一个 26 毫米的超级优质立方体平均可燃烧 2 小时 30 分钟以上。

26 毫米立方体水烟木炭的燃烧测试
Temperature Change of Shisha Charcoal Cube 26 mm Super Premium
在 90 分钟内,温度从 652°C 降至 510°C。 在吸食过程中,头一个小时的温度非常稳定。 吸食 60 分钟后,温度会有所下降,但仍然可以正常吸食水烟。
Size Change of Shisha Charcoal Cube 26 mm Super Premium
该图显示了 26 毫米超级特级水烟炭立方体的尺寸在 90 分钟内的变化情况。 开始时,炭块的长度为 25.9 毫米,宽度为 25.8 毫米,高度为 26 毫米。
在最初的 10 分钟内,尺寸迅速下降到 21 毫米、23 毫米和 24 毫米。 20 分钟后,进一步缩小到 19 毫米、20 毫米和 23 毫米。 40 分钟后,立方体的尺寸分别为 17 毫米、17 毫米和 22 毫米。
50 分钟后,尺寸继续减小,但减小的速度减慢。 60 分钟时,立方体的尺寸分别为 14 毫米、15.5 毫米和 18 毫米。 到 90 分钟时,立方体的长度为 10 毫米,宽度为 12 毫米,高度为 14 毫米。
总体而言,立方体的尺寸在稳步变小,在最初的 40 分钟内尺寸缩小得最快。
Weight Change of Shisha Charcoal Cube 26 mm Super Premium
图中显示的是 26 毫米特级水烟炭块在 90 分钟内的重量变化。 最初,炭块的重量为 16.0625 克。 前 10 分钟,重量急剧下降至 8.9 克。
到 20 分钟时,重量进一步下降至 6.875 克。 30 分钟时,重量为 5.875 克。 重量继续稳步下降:40 分钟时为 4.65 克,50 分钟时为 3.725 克,60 分钟时为 2.85 克。
60 分钟后,重量下降速度稍有放缓。 70 分钟时,立方体的重量为 2.1 克,80 分钟时为 1.55 克。 最后,在 90 分钟时,重量为 0.95 克。
总的来说,随着时间的推移,炭立方体的重量稳步下降,最明显的重量下降发生在最初的 10 分钟。 60 分钟后,减重速度略有放缓。
report of analysis shisha charcoal cube 26 mm Super Premium
独立实验室 Beckjorindo 的分析证书

26 毫米立方体,可实现最佳水烟熏制效果



Natural Silver White Ash Color of Cube 26 mm Super Premium after 90 minutes of burning on hookah
立方体 26 的天然银白色灰烬


我们的水烟炭很结实,在吸食过程中不会开裂。 它可以从一米高处掉落到厚厚的金属表面。

Cube 26 毫米超级特级水烟袋炭滴测试

立方体 26 毫米 特级批发包装类型

所有包装均使用您的品牌名称(OEM、白标)。 我们可以定制所有包装的尺寸和形状。


full packaging inner plastic + inner box +master box shisha charcoal cube 26 mm
内胶 + 内盒 + 主盒


bulk packaging inner plastic + master box for shisha charcoal cbue 26 mm Super Premium
内塑料 + 主盒


shisha charcoal cube 26 mm bulk loose packaging inner plastic + master box
散装塑料 + 主盒

包装标准规格:内塑 HD 0.05 微米,内盒:Dc250gsm + E Flute + UV 光油 + 4C CMYK;母盒:工艺单/双壁 K150/M125/K150 3C

点击此处了解更多包装 选项。

大批量订购 Hookah Coals Cube 26 mm Super Premium(26 毫米特级)时的发货事宜

stuffing 20ft container
20 “ft 集装箱运往英国
stuffing 20ft container
运往澳大利亚的 40 英尺集装箱
stuffing 20ft container
20 英尺至德国
stuffing container with hookah coals 3
20 “ft 集装箱运往英国
container stuffing with shisha charcoal 1
运往澳大利亚的 40 英尺集装箱
container stuffing with shisha charcoal 2
20 英尺至德国

了解更多有关 Cube 26 毫米超级特级包装运输 的信息

20 “ft 集装箱容量19,500 公斤全包装
20,500 公斤散装
40 “ft 集装箱容量25,500 公斤全包装
26,500 公斤散装

水烟木炭的运输可能比较复杂,因为大多数航运公司都将其列为危险品。 只有少数几家公司愿意处理水烟木炭的运输。

我们与地中海航运(MSC)、东方海外(OOCL)、达飞轮船(CMA CGM)、海丰集运(SITC)、西诺克(Sinokor)、香澳航运(Heung A Line)、瓦西航运(Vasi Lines)和阿联酋航运(Emirates Shipping)合作。

土耳其, 伊斯坦布尔 – 安巴利35


26 号立方体水烟木炭的容器填充物

我们可以在托盘上或不带托盘的情况下装入 40 “ft 集装箱,但对于 20 “ft 集装箱,我们只能在不带托盘的情况下装入,因为空间非常有限。

水烟炭托盘包装 水烟炭立方体 26 毫米


我们采用的是 ISPM 15 认证,欧盟和美国地区的标准尺寸为 1000×1200 毫米。

包装盒尺寸225L × 560W × 115H 毫米
载荷尺寸900L × 1120W × 1840H 毫米
托盘尺寸1000L × 1200W × 152.4H 毫米
总尺寸1000L × 1200W × 1992.4H 毫米
总重量1408 千克
总高度1992.4 毫米
# 每层单位8 箱
# 层数16 层
箱子总数128 箱

40 英寸集装箱填充计划

用于 26 毫米水烟木炭方的 40 英尺集装箱填充位置
箱子2500 @10 公斤
净 KG25000 公斤
总 KG27500 公斤
货运量36.23 m3
货物重量最大有效载荷的 95

20 英寸集装箱填充计划

用于 26 毫米水烟炭立方体的 20 英尺集装箱填充位置
箱子1850 @10 公斤
净 KG18500 千克
总 KG20350 公斤
货运量26.81 m3
货物重量最大有效载荷的 72





  • B/L – 提货单
  • COO – 原产地证书
  • 装箱单和发票
  • ISF(仅适用于美国)

请在我们的网站上阅读有关 运输文件 的更多信息

  • MSDS(材料数据表)
  • FA(由 Carsurin & Beckjorindo 进行的工厂审核)
  • SHT(自热测试)
  • COA/ROA (实验室分析)
  • 万宁证书
  • 制造声明
  • 包装声明


ISO9001 证书

确保 26 毫米特级水烟炭块的质量

  • 我们通过了 ISO 9001 认证,确保一流的质量管理和稳定的产品。
  • 质量控制:我们是印度尼西亚首家在每个生产阶段都采用详细的七步质量控制流程的工厂。 该流程确保每块木炭都符合我们的高标准。
  • 自有椰子树种植园:质量控制:我们是印度尼西亚首家在每个生产阶段都采用详细的 7 步质量控制流程的工厂。 这保证了每块木炭都符合我们的高标准。
  • 专注于水烟炭:我们只生产水烟炭。 我们不生产烧烤炭、取暖煤或木炭。 这种专业化意味着我们的产品非常适合用于水烟。
  • 内部质量控制团队:我们的专业团队不断检查我们的产品,确保它们符合我们严格的质量标准。
  • 独立实验室测试:在发货前,我们所有的木炭都要经过独立实验室的检测。 这一额外步骤可确保每次装运的木炭品质稳定、质量上乘。


了解有关保修和质量 控制的更多信息


Please note that we work exclusively with wholesale orders starting from 2 tons per type/packaging. To place an order, simply contact our hookah coals expert Greg Ryabtsev via WhatsApp at +628118797070 or email at

We offer a variety of payment methods for wholesale orders to ensure a smooth and convenient transaction process. You can choose to pay via:

1. Bank Transfer (T/T): This is our most common method. A deposit is typically required to start production, with the balance paid before shipment.
2. Letter of Credit (L/C): For larger orders, we accept Letters of Credit, which provide security for both parties.

We understand that transferring USD can be difficult in some countries, so we also offer our prices in EUR or Yuan. In some cases, we can accept payment via cash or Bitcoin (USDT) for added convenience. Please contact our sales team to discuss the best payment option for your specific order and requirements.

hipping costs can vary depending on the shipping line and the season. To get the most accurate and current shipping costs, please check our monthly updates on this page: Shipping Time and Cost Updates.

For a general estimate or specific queries, please contact our logistics team directly. They can provide detailed information based on your order size and destination.

The minimum order quantity for wholesale bulk purchases is 2 tons. For larger orders, like a full 20-foot container, the minimum is 18 tons. This helps us keep costs low and ensures efficient shipping for our customers.

The wholesale price for bulk orders starts at 1,100 USD per ton for Super Premium shisha charcoal. For Platinum shisha charcoal, the price starts at 1,400 USD per ton. These prices can vary depending on the order size and shipping costs. Please contact us for the latest price information.

We offer discounts for larger bulk purchases. For orders between 25 and 50 tons, there is a 2.5% discount. For orders of 50 to 100 tons, the discount is 3.5%. If you order more than 100 tons, the discount increases to 5%. Please contact us for more details about how these discounts can apply to your specific order.

The Shisha Charcoal is packaged in several ways to suit wholesale shipments. For retail and bulk buyers, we offer options like full packaging, which includes an inner plastic wrap, an inner box, and a master box. We also provide bulk loose packaging, where the charcoal is packed in large plastic bags inside master boxes. Each packaging option can be customized with your brand. We use strong materials to ensure the charcoal stays safe during shipping, and moisture absorbers are included to protect the product from humidity.

We ship bulk orders of shisha charcoal using 20-foot and 40-foot containers. Shipping is done through major carriers like MSC, OOCL, CMA CGM, and others. The typical shipping times vary by region:

  • To the UAE, it takes about 14 days.
  • To Saudi Arabia, it takes 12-25 days.
  • To the UK and Germany, it takes about 38-40 days.
  • To the USA, shipping to Houston takes around 55 days, and to New York, about 60 days.

These times can change depending on the port and shipping conditions.

Yes, you can customize the packaging and branding for bulk orders. We offer OEM (white-label) options, allowing you to have your brand name and design on the packaging. You can choose from different types of packaging, such as full packaging with inner plastic and master boxes, or bulk loose packaging. Our team will work with you to ensure the packaging meets your requirements, whether for retail, lounges, or large-scale distribution.

Our Shisha Charcoal is made from 100% natural coconut shells, ensuring a clean and eco-friendly product. We offer two main types: Super Premium and Platinum.

  • Super Premium: Ash content is 1.9-2.2%, with a heat value of 650°C and a burning time of 2.5 hours. It contains 75% fixed carbon and 4% moisture.
  • Platinum: Ash content is lower at 1.6-1.9%, with a similar heat value of 650°C and a burning time of 2.5 hours. It has 85% fixed carbon and 4% moisture.

Both types are odorless, spark-free, and crack-free. We follow strict quality standards, including ISO 9001:2015 certification, and every batch is independently tested to ensure consistent quality for all wholesale buyers.

Our Shisha Charcoal Cubes are certified to meet international quality and export standards. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified, ensuring high standards in production and quality management. Additionally, we have certifications such as the Certificate of Analysis (COA), Self-Heating Test (SHT), and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). These certifications guarantee the safety, quality, and consistency of our products for international markets. We also provide export documents like the Bill of Lading (B/L) and Certificate of Origin (COO) to ensure smooth shipping and customs clearance for wholesale buyers.

We make sure the quality of our shisha charcoal is the same for every large shipment. We follow a seven-step quality control process. Each batch is tested by our own team and by independent labs. These tests check the ash, moisture, and carbon levels. Our factory is also ISO 9001:2015 certified, which means we meet international standards. We keep samples from each batch to make sure future orders are the same quality. All charcoal is tested for heat and burning time, so you always get the best product.

Our Shisha Charcoal Cubes offer many benefits for bulk buyers. First, they are made from 100% natural coconut shells, which makes them eco-friendly and chemical-free. They burn for a long time, up to 2.5 hours, providing steady heat. The ash content is very low, between 1.6% and 2.2%, so cleanup is easy. The charcoal is also odorless and spark-free, giving a smooth and clean smoking experience. For bulk buyers, we also offer custom packaging and reliable quality control, making sure each shipment meets high standards.

Our Shisha Charcoal has a burning time of up to 2.5 hours and an ash content between 1.6% and 2.2%. This is important for wholesale buyers because a long burning time means less charcoal is needed during a shisha session, saving money. The low ash content makes the charcoal cleaner, which means less mess and easier cleanup for shisha lounges and customers. Wholesale buyers can trust that our charcoal will perform well and give their customers a better experience.

For bulk purchases of Shisha Charcoal, we offer flexible payment terms. Typically, we require a 50% deposit before production begins, and the remaining 50% is paid before shipment. We accept various payment methods, including bank transfers (T/T) and letters of credit (L/C) for larger orders. These terms help make the buying process smooth and secure for our wholesale customers.

Our shisha charcoal has a calorific value of 7,800 kcal, which means it provides strong and steady heat during use. The charcoal burns at a temperature of 650°C and lasts for up to 2.5 hours in a shisha session. This long burning time and high heat output are especially important for bulk buyers, as it means fewer coals are needed per session, saving money and improving customer satisfaction. The charcoal also burns evenly, ensuring a smooth smoking experience.

Yes, we offer private label (OEM) options for wholesale bulk buyers of Shisha Charcoal. This means you can have your own brand name and design on the packaging. We work with you to create custom packaging that fits your needs, whether for retail or bulk supply. This is a great way for businesses to build their brand and offer high-quality shisha charcoal with their own unique label.

For international shipments of bulk orders, we provide a full set of export documents. This includes the Bill of Lading (B/L), Certificate of Origin (COO), Packing List, and Invoice. We also offer important certifications such as the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Self-Heating Test (SHT), and Certificate of Analysis (COA). These documents ensure that your shipment meets all legal and quality requirements for customs clearance and international trade.

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