Coconut Charcoal Supplier for Shisha – Comprehensive Guide from Coconut Charcoal Briquette Factory for Hookah Coals Wholesale Buyers

Author: Greg Ryabtsev, Coconut shell charcoal expert.
Reviewed by: Gatot Wibowo, Head of production and general director.
Fact-checked: Wilson Gosalim, Commissioner and charcoal factory co-owner.

Updated on: January 22, 2025
Reading Time: 21 minutes

What this article is about?

In this article, I try to collect all important data for the wholesale shisha charcoal buyer. So, if you plan to find a coconut charcoal supplier or manufacturer, this article is for you.

Here, you will read the comprehensive guide about specification, production, tricks, and tips for choosing a good coconut charcoal briquette factory, and much more, in one place.

I have spent almost one week of every day writing and polishing this information. However, I have spent more than ten years collecting, analyzing, and experiencing this topic to gain knowledge. With this article, I am starting to write a summary of my knowledge and experience in coconut charcoal manufacturing for shisha.

Table of Contents

About Me and Our Factory

I’m Greg Ryabtsev, a coconut shell charcoal expert with 10+ years of experience in wholesale exports. If you Google me, you will find many videos and articles where I explain how to make, test, and use coconut shell charcoal.

Coconut Charcoal Supplier for Shisha - Comprehensive Guide from Coconut Charcoal Briquette Factory for Hookah Coals Wholesale Buyers

How did I get all this experience? Simple at our Indonesian Coconut Charcoal Briquette Factory, where we specialize in producing extra high-quality coconut charcoal briquettes designed specially for hookah.

Our clients sell their hookah coals in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Poland, Russia, Czech, Australia, and South Korea.

Our brands regularly appear at the best shisha exhibitions, such as Shisha World Dubai in the UAE, Shisha Messe in Germany, and Shisha Seville in Spain.

Understanding Shisha Charcoal

Shisha charcoal, commonly known as hookah coals, is a crucial component in the hookah smoking experience. It is the “heart” of shisha smoking. Unlike traditional charcoal, shisha charcoal must provide consistent heat without changing the flavor of the tobacco.

Coconut shell charcoal briquettes are the most popular and best choice due to their unique properties and benefits over other types of charcoal.

Benefits of Using Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah

Last year, I wrote a long article about the benefits of coconut shell charcoal, so here there is no point in writing it very long; that is why the main points are:

Superior Quality and Performance

Benefits of Using Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes for Hookah
Superior Quality and Performance
  • Heat Retention: Why do we use charcoal on shisha? The answer is simple—to heat up the tobacco so we can enjoy its flavor. So we need not only specific high heat but also at least 40 minutes of it so we can relax and smoke shisha. This is the main reason coconut shell charcoal is the best choice: it keeps a high temperature of 650C during the smoking session.
  • Minimal Ash Production: Why ash is essential. First, if you have heavy and thick ash on the briquettes, it will cover the surface, and less heat will go out. Less heat – less smoking. Then, if you have a lot of ash it will fall down to the bowl, penetrate the foil or collaud and will be mixed with your tobacco. This means that big ash will destroy your tobacco. Third, in my opinion, thick ash does not look nice. As I wrote before, hookah coals are the “heart” of shisha, so we need a nice visual view of the flame.
  • Odorless and Smokeless: One of the important properties of hookah coals made from coconut is that they do not smell or change the taste of tobacco. So, you really can smoke and enjoy the real taste of tobacco. You do not have any smoke or smell going from it.

Better Smoking

  • Longer Smoking Duration: Ok, coconut charcoal is not only odorless, smokeless and giving high heat but it also lasts for the long time. In standby, position it can last for 2- 3 hours. Once in the laboratory we check and it works for 4+ hours! But anyway, for average good shisha smoking session we just need of about 40 minutes to 1 hour. Then the tobacco flavor will be gone and you have to change the bowl.
  • Consistent Heat Management: Very important parameter is that coconut charcoal burns evenly without big drops in temperature. So, during the smoking temperature of the briquettes is going down, but very slow, so you can smoke well and easily.

Health and Safety Advantages

  • Health Considerations: Free from harmful chemicals and additives found in quick-light coals, making it a safer option for smokers. Let’s say that our factory is not adding chemicals so it is safe to inhale.
  • Environmental Benefits: Made from sustainable coconut shells, they are an eco-friendly alternative that reduces deforestation and carbon emissions. And also it provide jobs for the remote areas in Indonesia where most of coconut shell grows. So smoking shisha on our hookah coals you are not only enjoying nice taste, but also protect forests from deforestation and give people jobs.

Coconut Charcoal Briquettes vs. Other Types

Coconut Charcoal Briquettes vs. Other Types
Coconut Charcoal Briquettes vs. Other Types

Compared to hardwood or lump charcoal, coconut charcoal briquettes offer is just is on different level. In my own opinion, it is the same if you compare bicycle (witch I love to ride a lot) and luxury car. Yes, the car cost is couple times more expensive, but again, you cannot compare wood charcoal with coconut charcoal in terms of smoking shisha.

  • Longer Burn Time and stable heat output. Very important to heat your shisha tobacco properly during smoking. On one hand not to overheat it, on the other hand not to drop the temperature to fast. Basically, we smoke shisha for 40 minutes to one hour, so during this period we need to keep proper temperature output.
  • Efficient Heat Output: with coconut shell charcoal you need just several small briquettes for smoking. For example cube 25 mm just 3 pcs is enough for one hour shisha smoking session.
  • Cleaner Usage: coconut shell charcoal make less ash, and burn almost perfectly, so you get less ash to clean and worry about. You do not worry that ash will fall down to your bowl with tobacco, it would not fly away if there is a wind blowing.
  • Taste & Smoke – as for me it is the main reason to use coconut shell charcoal for shisha and the most important, if you smoke on hardwood or lump charcoal – instead of enjoying pure taste of tobacco you will fill the wooden taste. While smoking on coconut shells, you can really feel the real tobacco taste, without mixing it with wood.

Coconut Charcoal vs. Quick-Light Coals for Hookah

Coconut Charcoal vs. Quick-Light Coals for Hookah
Coconut Charcoal vs. Quick-Light Coals for Hookah

While quick-light coals are convenient, they often contain chemicals that can affect flavor and health. For example, when I lit up fast light charcoal it starts smell as hell. How on earth, I can smoke it? Coconut charcoal briquettes provide a natural, chemical-free option that make the overall hookah experience. Personally, I have no idea why people use quick charcoal – it really change the taste.

Key Characteristics of High-Quality Shisha Coconut Charcoal

  • Heat Retention: keep a consistent temperature throughout the smoking session.
  • Minimal Ash: Less than 2% ash content for cleaner use.
  • Odorless and Smokeless: It does not make smells or smoke, i.e., it does not change the taste of shisha.

Manufacturing Process of Shisha Coconut Charcoal

Before you buy hookah coals from Coconut Charcoal Briquette Supplier it is good to understand how it is manufactured and what are the basics steps.

In general, to make coconut shell charcoal briquettes for shisha, we need to collect old (important that coconut be naturally aged) coconuts, then clean them from their “hair.” If you know what it is called correctly, “scientifically,” let me know, as everybody here calls it just “hair.” Then, burn it without oxygen, so it becomes coconut charcoal. Basically, the procedure is called carbonization. Then, carbonized coconut charcoal is ground into small mesh/powder, mixed with tapioca (as the stretch/glue) and water, compressed, and then cut into shapes. And the last process is drying the ovens and packaging.

The paragraph above is too big, so in short, all process looks like this:

  1. Carbonization: Coconut shells are heated in a controlled environment to produce charcoal.
  2. Grinding: The charcoal is ground into a fine powder.
  3. Mixing: The powder is mixed with natural binders.
  4. Molding: The mixture is molded into briquettes of various shapes and sizes.
  5. Drying: Briquettes are dried to reduce moisture content.
  6. Packaging: Finished products are packed according to client specifications.

Overall process looks pretty simple and straight forward, but the devil is in details. So If you want to get the really good low ash odorless charcoal – that is a lot of research and work. For example, our factory takes 4+ years for figure out the stable and “bullet” proof recipe for the one of the best coconut charcoal in the world.


We source premium coconut shells from sustainable farms across Indonesia. Actually, our factory, PT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia, own two palm trees plantation in Sulawesi and Halmahera islands with more then twenty thousands of coconut trees. That is pretty big amount. And that is the reason our coconut charcoal is always stable and good. We have our own plantations.

Sourcing of coconut shells for hookah coals
Sourcing of coconut shells for hookah coals

Then we teach our farmers on how to collect and check coconuts. As again, we have to use only naturally aged, coconut, with thick nut skin. For the farmers it is good job, as they not only get paid for the coconut charcoal, but we collect – copra, the “meat” of the coconut, that we sell to the vegetable oil manufacturers.

That is why the price of raw material (coconut shells) is pretty volatile, it depends not only on season (wet, dry) but also on the cost of coconut oils. As if there is low demand for coconut oil, so for farmers it is not profitable just to burn coconut shell, as they do not get enough money.

Ok, after we collect aged coconut, we have to clear it from “hair”, coconut water, and all dirt, and burn it without oxygen.

Burning without oxygen is very interesting process. For sure, there is no burning without oxygen at all, so we still need to supply enough oxygen but keep it low, so our coconut shell would not be burned down. On the other hand we have to keep Fixed carbon level at 75 – 85% to meet our quality standards.

The good ratio of coconut becoming coconut charcoal is 1 to 4. Meaning, to get 1 kg of coconut charcoal, you need at least 4 kg of coconut shell to be carbonized.


While mostly carbonization is done at Sulawesi and Hamahera, the main production is located on the other island – Java. Our Coconut Charcoal Briquette Factory is located in Magelang, Central Java.

Why not burn coconut directly at our factory? Answer is very simple – coconut are very bulky, and it is not efficient in transportation. While, carbonized coconut shell are much smaller in volume, so we can bring it to the factory easily.

Me personally, can talk about productions of hookah coals for many hours, but again, here is the article and I have to keep the main points only. By the way, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Greg, by WhatsApp or email and I will be happy to help you.

Hookah coals production area
Hookah coals production area

Ok, production consist from grinding charcoal – making it is into small mesh, like a flour, that we use for cooking. Then we mixed it with tapioca. Tapioca is natural stretch that make coconut charcoal briquettes strong and not crack or fall down during the shisha smoking.

After that, we have compression and cutting processes. Proper compression is critical for the good quality of hookah coals. You have to reach the specific density level that will keep your coconut charcoal burning at a stable temperature for at least 40 minutes.

Then we cut it with our special allow Japanese’ made cutting knifes. Actually, I am very proud of it, as it takes me several month to get those alloy (this metal is used in aircrafts), so it is incredible strong and sharp. Kamar Rashid (the reviewer of this article) told me not to write about those cutting knifes, but I really insist and here you are – know one of our secrets, how we can get so good geometry of our briquettes.


Drying is one of the critical processes, at our Coconut Charcoal Briquette Factory we use both gas and wood ovens to dry coconut shell charcoal briquettes. By the way, did you notice that now I call our product not just coconut charcoal, but I have added word – “briquettes” – meaning it was compressed, cutted and get a form of cube, hexa, finger or other shapes.

We do oven for 60 – 80 hours depending on the shape and size of hookah coals. That make us sure that all briquettes are dry and have moisture from 4 to 6 % after oven. During the packaging moisture will in creasy and stabilized on 6 to 8 % (again, depending on the size and shape of shisha charcoal).

Quality Control Measures

Ok, Quality control is very important, as the coconut shells are the natural product and in can vary a lot. Basically, depending on the are where coconut trees are growing, time of harvesting (dry or wet season), process of carbonization – it is all influence very much on the final product.

So how can I make sure, that you are as the wholesale buyer of hookah coals get the coconut charcoal with consistent quality in each and every container. By the way, one container can fit up to 25 tons of charcoal. I mean, this is a lot work to do and a lot of quality test needs to be perform.

So first of all we have dedicated quality control team that check every batch of production. Our batch is 150 kg – so to make one 40″ft container we need to make 167 individual tests, including moisture content, ash content, crack test, drop test, ash fall test, heat test, odor test, burning speed test, flame color test, ash color test.

But before performing those tests, we perform seven steps of quality control, starting from raw material intake and moving to the final product.

Before staffing hookah coals into the container we always cross check with independent laboratory of Carsurin or Beckjorindo. By this it make us sure, that we are shipping you the right product.

  • Strict Monitoring: Each production phase is closely monitored to ensure consistency.
  • Certifications: We are fully certified to international standards such as ISO 9001 and Factory Audit by Carsurin and Beckjorindo.

Innovations in Manufacturing

As for innovation we are one of the first who applied for patent pending technology (still in process of registration), so we have unique methods of mixing and production. This method guarantee the stable quality for each production batch.
We use Modern Kilns and extrusion: made from French melding alloys that are stronger then standard alloys (but cost much more too), but on other hand allow us to work longer and faster.

Product Specifications and Varieties

Different Shapes and Sizes

We offer a variety of shapes to suit different preferences and hookah setups:

  • Cubes: Ideal for standard bowls; sizes include cubes 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, and 28 mm.
  • Besides it, we produce Stix, finger, hexagonal, octagonal, dome shapes, flat shapes, and cubes with holes in different sizes.

Choosing the Right Charcoal Size

  • Small Bowls: Flats or smaller cubes for controlled heat.
  • Large Bowls: Larger cubes or fingers for prolonged sessions.

Technical Specifications

Shisha Charcoal cube 26 mm type Platinum 2
  • Ash Content: ≤ 2%
  • Moisture Level: ≤ 5%
  • Fixed Carbon: ≥ 80%
  • Calorific Value: ≥ 7000 Kcal/kg
  • Types of Charcoal:
    • Platinum: Highest grade with low ash and longest burning time.
    • Super Premium: Middle grade with slightly higher ash content.
    • Premium: Good quality but with higher ash content and lower burning time.
  • Shape and Size Options:
    • Cubes:
      • 31x31x31 mm (36 pcs/kg)
      • 28x28x28 mm (48 pcs/kg)
      • 27x27x27 mm (56 pcs/kg)
      • 26x26x26 mm (64 pcs/kg)
      • 25x25x25 mm (72 pcs/kg) – most popular size
      • 22x22x22 mm (96 pcs/kg)
      • 20x20x20 mm (120 pcs/kg)
    • Finger/Stix:
      • 18×50 mm (72 pcs/kg)
      • 18×35 mm (102 pcs/kg)
      • 20×50 mm (64 pcs/kg)
      • 20×35 mm (94 pcs/kg)
    • Hexagonal:
      • 18×50 mm
      • 20×50 mm
      • 22×50 mm
    • Flat/Brix:
      • 25x25x17 mm (108 pcs/kg)
    • Custom Sizes: Available upon request.
  • Key Specifications:
    • Ash Content:
      • Platinum: 1.6-1.9%
      • Super Premium: 1.9-2.2%
      • Premium: 2.3-2.5%
    • Burning Time:
      • Platinum: 2 hours 30 minutes
      • Super Premium: 2 hours 15 minutes
      • Premium: 1 hour 30 minutes
    • Calorific Value:
      • Platinum: 8500 kcal
      • Super Premium: 7500 kcal
      • Premium: 7500 kcal
    • Fixed Carbon:
      • Platinum: 80% min
      • Super Premium: 80% min
      • Premium: 75% min
    • Moisture Content:
      • Platinum: 5% max
      • Super Premium: 6% max
      • Premium: 8% max
    • Volatile Matter:
      • Platinum: 14.5% max
      • Super Premium: 16% max
      • Premium: 18% max
    • Ash Color:
      • Platinum: Natural white
      • Super Premium: Natural white
      • Premium: Natural grey
    • Drop Test:
      • Platinum: 1/10 (very strong)
      • Super Premium: 2/10
      • Premium: 4/10
  • Raw Material Source: Sulawesi and Java, Indonesia (depending on the grade).
  • Odor: Odor-free.
  • Additional Features:
    • No sparks or smoke.
    • Tested by independent labs (e.g., Beckjorindo, Carsurin).
    • Suitable for wholesale and OEM (private label) branding.
  • Packaging Options:
    • Full Packaging: Inner plastic, inner box, and master box.
    • Bulk Packaging: Inner plastic and master box, or bulk plastic and master box.
    • Bulk Loose Packaging: Charcoal packed in bulk plastic inside a master box.
  • Container Capacity:
    • 20-foot container: 18,500 kg (full packaging), 19,500 kg (bulk).
    • 40-foot container: 25,500 kg (full packaging), 26,500 kg (bulk).

Packaging and Branding Options

Choosing the right packaging for coconut charcoal briquettes is very important. Packaging protects the charcoal from damage, moisture, and dust. It also helps to show off your brand and make a good first impression. This guide will explain the types of packaging and help you choose what is best for your needs as a wholesale buyer.

  • Custom Packaging: We offer OEM packaging solutions, including box design and labeling.
  • Private Labeling: Enhance your brand by adding your logo and company details to your boxes

Why Packaging Matters
The packaging does more than just protect the charcoal. It helps keep the charcoal safe during transportation, loading, and unloading. It also protects the charcoal from water and moisture, which could stop it from burning properly. Packaging helps make your product look good to your customers. A well-designed package can also make your charcoal stand out in stores.

2. Types of Packaging

  • Inner Plastic
    The inner plastic is the last layer of protection for the charcoal. It is usually made of PE plastic and comes in different sizes like 1 kg, 500 gr, or 250 gr. The plastic keeps the charcoal dry and clean. You can seal it with manual duct tape or an automatic sealing machine. Some brands print their logo on plastic, which helps with branding.
  • Inner Box
    The inner box is a carton made from corrugated cardboard and duplex paper. This box is important because it is what your customers will see first. You can choose between thicker duplex paper, such as 250gsm, 310gsm, or 350gsm, to give the box a more premium look. The thicker paper makes the box look better but costs more. You can also wrap the inner box in plastic to protect it from moisture and dust.

3. Master Box
The master box is a large box that holds several inner boxes or bulk charcoal. There are two main types of master boxes: single-wall and double-wall. A double-wall master box is stronger but costs more. You can also add plastic wrapping or strapping to the master box to protect it during shipping.

4. Branding and Labeling
Both the inner plastic and inner box can have your brand’s logo and design printed on them. This helps customers recognize your product. Adding features like hologram stickers, UV spot printing, or embossing can make your product stand out more. Screen printing can use up to 15 colors for branding.

5. Cost-Saving Tips
To save money, you can choose bulk packaging without the inner box. This can save around $100 per ton. Bulk packaging is a good choice if you are selling to bars and lounges where the end user does not see the brand.

6. Environmentally Friendly Packaging Options
There are several options for eco-friendly packaging. You can choose recyclable cardboard boxes or biodegradable plastic bags. These options help reduce waste and are better for the environment.

7. Additional Features
You can add moisture absorbers inside the packaging to keep the charcoal dry. This is especially useful during long shipping times. You can also use pallets to make loading and unloading easier, but they take up more space in the container. Without pallets, a 20-foot container can hold up to 18,200 kilograms of charcoal, while with pallets, it holds 16,500 kilograms.

Quality Assurance and Certifications

Certifications and Standards

At PT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia, we are committed to providing high-quality coconut charcoal briquettes. To ensure this, we follow international standards and obtain important certifications.

First, our factory is ISO 9001 certified. This certification means that we follow strict quality management practices. It helps us maintain consistent production and meet customer expectations.

We also use a detailed 7-step quality control process at each stage of production. This process includes checking the charcoal during grinding, mixing, extrusion, cutting, drying, and packaging. Each batch is tested to make sure it meets our standards.

In addition, we send our charcoal to independent laboratories like Beckjorindo and Carsurin. These labs test the charcoal for important factors such as ash content, moisture level, fixed carbon, and calorific value. This ensures that our product is high quality.

For safety, we also conduct a drop test. This test ensures the charcoal is strong and does not break easily. Our charcoal passes the drop test with a high rating, which shows its durability.

We also comply with international shipping standards. We provide all the necessary shipping documents, including a Material Data Sheet (MSDS), Bill of Lading, and Certificate of Origin. These documents help with smooth delivery and customs clearance.

Rising Demand for Coconut Charcoal

The demand for coconut charcoal is growing rapidly in countries such as the USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Israel, and many others. This increase in demand is driven by several important factors:

  • Growing Hookah Culture: More people around the world are enjoying hookah smoking as a social activity. As hookah lounges and cafes expand in these countries, the need for high-quality charcoal also rises.
  • Preference for Natural and Eco-Friendly Products: Consumers are becoming more aware of the environment. They prefer products that are made from natural and renewable materials. Coconut charcoal is produced from coconut shells, making it an environmentally friendly option that does not involve cutting down trees.
  • Health Considerations: Many people are choosing coconut charcoal because it burns cleanly, without chemicals or harmful additives. This makes it a healthier option for hookah smokers who want to avoid the smoke from traditional wood or coal-based charcoals.

Market Trends

  • Focus on Sustainability: There is a clear shift towards environmentally friendly products in the global market. Businesses are increasingly focusing on products that do not harm the environment. Coconut charcoal fits this demand because it is made from natural waste materials and has a low environmental impact.
  • Preference for Quality: As the hookah culture grows, so does the demand for premium quality charcoal. Consumers want charcoal that provides a better smoking experience—longer burning times, less ash, and no unpleasant smells. High-quality coconut charcoal meets these needs, making it the preferred choice for many hookah users.
  • Innovation in Products and Packaging: The market is also seeing new product innovations, with interest in different shapes and sizes of charcoal, as well as modern, attractive packaging. Some customers prefer smaller, easy-to-light pieces, while others look for innovative packaging that protects the charcoal and keeps it fresh.

Competitive Advantage

If you import high-quality coconut charcoal, your business will have a competitive edge in the market. Here’s why:

  • Meet Customer Expectations: By offering premium coconut charcoal, you can satisfy the growing demand for high-quality products. This will help you attract more customers who are looking for the best smoking experience.
  • Stand Out from Competitors: Many competitors are still using inferior products that do not meet the same standards of quality and sustainability. By focusing on high-quality, eco-friendly charcoal, you can differentiate your business and gain a strong reputation in the market.
  • Build a Reputation for Quality and Reliability: Offering reliable, top-quality products helps build customer trust. Over time, this trust will lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth, which are essential for long-term success in the market.

By focusing on these trends and providing high-quality, eco-friendly products, you can take advantage of the growing demand and position your business for success in the global coconut charcoal market.

Wholesale Buying Guide

Bulk Purchasing Benefits

  • Cost Savings: When you buy in large quantities, the price per unit decreases. This allows you to save money on each item.
  • Consistent Supply: Bulk purchasing ensures you always have enough stock to meet market demand. This helps prevent shortages.
  • Customization: Buying in bulk gives you access to options like customized products and packaging that suit your brand or business needs.

Shipping and Logistics

  • Minimum Order Quantities: We offer flexible minimum order quantities (MOQs) to fit your business requirements. You can order the amount that works best for you.
  • Shipping Methods: You can choose between sea freight or air cargo, depending on your budget and the urgency of the delivery.
  • Delivery Timelines: Our production and dispatch processes are efficient, ensuring that your order is delivered within the expected time frame.

Compliance with International Regulations

  • Environmental Regulations: We comply with all environmental regulations for importation in your country. This ensures your order meets legal requirements.
  • Documentation Support: We provide all the necessary certificates and test reports, helping you with customs clearance and regulatory compliance.

Choosing the Right Shisha Charcoal Supplier

When you are looking for a shisha charcoal supplier, it is important to choose wisely. Not all suppliers offer the same quality or reliability. A good supplier can help your business grow, while a bad one can lead to problems. In this article, we will guide you on how to choose the right shisha charcoal supplier.

1. Factory or Trader?

The first step in finding a reliable supplier is to know if you are dealing with a factory or a trader. Factories make the charcoal themselves. They control the production process from start to finish. Traders, on the other hand, buy charcoal from different sources and then sell it.

It is usually better to buy directly from a factory. This is because factories can guarantee a more consistent quality. Traders might offer lower prices, but they often buy from multiple sources, which can lead to variations in quality.

2. Check the Factory’s Location

A trustworthy supplier should be open about their location. You can check this by asking for photos or videos of the factory. You can also use Google Street View to verify the location. Look for a factory that has the necessary space and equipment to produce high-quality charcoal. Most factories should be large enough to handle production, storage, and packaging.

3. Factory Equipment and Production

The equipment a factory uses is very important. Good quality shisha charcoal requires specific machines. For example, the factory should have proper ovens to dry the charcoal, as well as machines to clean and cut it. A reliable factory will use large and efficient equipment, which helps in producing uniform and high-quality charcoal.

Make sure the factory uses the right materials. High-quality charcoal is made from coconut shells that are dried and burned in the correct way. Factories should also have a quality control system in place. This system ensures that every batch of charcoal meets high standards before it is shipped to buyers.

4. Ask for Certifications

A good supplier will be able to provide certifications from independent laboratories. These tests will show that the charcoal meets safety and quality standards. Certifications like ISO 9001 indicate that the factory follows strict quality control measures. You can also ask for a sample of the product to test before making a large order.

5. Check the Supplier’s Reviews and Reputation

One way to ensure the supplier is trustworthy is by checking their online reviews and ratings. Many companies have reviews on Google or other platforms. Look for feedback from other customers, especially those in the same business as you. If possible, ask for references from past clients. A reliable supplier will not hesitate to provide this information.

6. Visit the Factory

If possible, visit the factory to see the production process yourself. This way, you can meet the people in charge and see how the charcoal is made. You can check the cleanliness of the factory, the storage conditions, and the professionalism of the workers. Visiting the factory will give you a clear picture of the supplier’s capabilities.

For example at our factory we always welcome visitors and can pickup you in airport of Semarang or Yogjakarta and bring to our factory to show it and get you know better.

7. Understand the Payment Terms

A good supplier will offer clear and fair payment terms. Most reliable suppliers will require a down payment, with the balance paid after production. Be careful if a supplier asks for full payment upfront, as this could be a sign of a scam. Always make sure that payments are made to a corporate bank account, not a personal one.

8. Test the Product

Before placing a large order, it is important to test the product. You can request a sample from the supplier. This way, you can check if the charcoal meets your standards. Look for charcoal that burns evenly, produces minimal ash, and is free of smells or chemicals. Good quality charcoal should also be durable and should not crack easily.

Storage, Handling, and Best Practices for Coconut Charcoal

Coconut charcoal is widely used for hookahs and barbecues because of its long burn time and eco-friendly nature. To get the best results from coconut charcoal, it is important to store and handle it properly. Following a few best practices can also help you maximize its lifespan and maintain its quality. Let’s look at some key tips for storage, handling, and how to make your charcoal last longer.

Proper Storage Techniques

Dry Environment

Coconut charcoal must be kept in a dry environment. Moisture can reduce the charcoal’s quality, making it harder to light and causing it to burn less efficiently. Store your charcoal in a cool, dry place, away from sources of humidity. This will help prevent moisture absorption and keep the charcoal in good condition.


When storing charcoal, do not place the boxes directly on the ground. Instead, use pallets or shelves to keep them off the floor. This will reduce the risk of moisture damage from the ground. It is also important to keep the boxes away from walls, as they may trap moisture. Leaving space between the boxes and the walls allows for better air circulation, which helps to keep the charcoal dry.

Handling Tips

Gentle Handling

Coconut charcoal briquettes are durable, but they can still break if not handled carefully. When moving or stacking boxes, avoid dropping them or using too much force. Broken briquettes may not burn as well and can produce more ash. Handle the boxes gently to keep the briquettes intact and ready for use.

First-In, First-Out

To maintain freshness, always use the oldest stock first. This method is known as “First-In, First-Out” (FIFO). It ensures that your oldest charcoal is used before newer stock, preventing it from sitting too long in storage and potentially losing quality. By following this practice, you can ensure a consistent experience every time you use the charcoal.

Maximizing Product Lifespan

Controlled Lighting

Using the right equipment to light coconut charcoal is essential for maximizing its lifespan. Charcoal that is lit too quickly or unevenly may burn faster than expected. Use an electric or gas-powered charcoal lighter to ensure that the briquettes heat up evenly and reach the correct temperature without wasting fuel. Avoid using open flames or lighter fluid, as these can cause the charcoal to burn too hot too soon.

Heat Management

Proper heat management can make your charcoal last longer. Once the charcoal is lit, adjust its placement on your hookah or grill to control the heat. You can move the briquettes closer or farther from the center of the heat source to regulate the temperature. This will not only help extend the burn time but also ensure even cooking or a better smoking experience. Additionally, controlling the heat will reduce the amount of charcoal you need for each session, saving you money in the long run.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability Practices

Coconut charcoal is a product that not only provides great performance but also has a lower environmental impact than other types of charcoal. By following eco-friendly production methods and embracing sustainability, coconut charcoal manufacturers can help protect the environment while meeting consumer needs. Here are some of the ways in which coconut charcoal production is environmentally responsible.

Eco-Friendly Production

Sustainable Sourcing

Coconut charcoal is made from coconut shells, which are a renewable resource. Instead of cutting down trees, coconut shells come from coconuts that are already harvested for food. Using these shells for charcoal reduces waste and helps protect forests. This makes coconut charcoal a sustainable choice for consumers who care about the environment.

Low Waste Production

The production process for coconut charcoal is designed to minimize waste. Factories use efficient methods to turn coconut shells into charcoal, ensuring that as little material as possible goes to waste. By optimizing production, manufacturers can reduce their environmental footprint while still producing high-quality charcoal.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Community Support

Many coconut charcoal manufacturers are also involved in supporting local communities. By creating jobs and working with local farmers, these factories help improve the lives of people in the areas where they operate. Some companies also engage in programs that promote education and healthcare in these communities, further strengthening their commitment to social responsibility.

Environmental Conservation

Coconut charcoal producers are dedicated to reducing their ecological footprint. This means taking steps to conserve energy, reduce emissions, and manage resources responsibly. By focusing on sustainability, these companies help protect the environment while still delivering high-quality products to their customers.

Appealing to Conscious Consumers

Transparent Practices

Consumers today want to know that the products they buy are made responsibly. Coconut charcoal manufacturers build trust by being open and honest about their sustainability efforts. By sharing information about their eco-friendly practices, companies can connect with customers who care about the environment.

Market Advantage

The demand for responsible products is growing. More and more consumers are looking for items that are good for the environment and support fair practices. By focusing on sustainability and social responsibility, coconut charcoal producers can gain a competitive advantage in the market. Offering a product that meets the needs of eco-conscious buyers helps businesses stand out and succeed.

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Greg Ryabtsev is the expert in coconut charcoal with over 10 years of industry experience. He developed the Standard Testing Procedure (STP) for shisha charcoal and is the author of several patent-pending technologies in hookah coal manufacturing.
Greg Ryabtsev - Charcoal Expert
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Questions about finance, supply, or production? Contact our head of department and owner directly

Gatot Wibowo, director and head of production coconut charcoal briquettes

Production Head

Gatot Wibowo

+62 822-2439-1264

Setiawati Trisno - coconut charcoal briquettes factory finance director

Head of Finance

Setiawati Trisno

Wilson Gosalim coconut charcoal briquettes factory director

Factory owner

Wilson Gosalim
+62 853-2872-72-91

PT Coco Total Karbon Indonesia

Jl. Mayor Unus KM 1.5
Magelang, 56172
Central Java,

Google Map link:

Working hours:

Factory: 24/7

Office: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00 WIB (GMT+7)

+62 (293) 718-30-08